Tender on carbon trade

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Curious: Is the required RFP-Tender process being followed and carried out by government according to rules on contracts over $50,000.00?

Clearly, no, when it came to the recent tabled matters on Carbon Trading – surely the fee for selling the carbon will exceed $50,000.00?

Now your Neil Hartnell headlines the debt management contract, could be totally a leaked issue to send people going the wrong way or could be accurate who knows, but again surely their fees will be more than $50,000.00?

We have to ask why no open RFT-Tender?

This is disturbing occurring virtually within 10 days of each other. Thought all tenders were requested online - what’s the difference between procuring materials and services? - after opening date all proposed details, costs, etc, itemised and shown - 1000% transparent.

Oh, well - leopards don’t change spots!



July 26, 2022.


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