Falling into the sewer

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In my youth and middle years, The Bahamas was a wonderful place to live. Unfortunately, in my senior years I am constantly reflecting on the words of Shakespeare’s beleaguered protagonist, Macbeth, when he said “our way of life has fallen into the sewer”.

It is so ironic that when we are honouring a woman of charm, grace and intellect in the person of Dame Janet Bostwick, we are confronted by the crass behaviour of the present Speaker of the House of Assembly.

Even worse, we witness members of that august body applauding such behaviour.

A few years ago, when the behaviour of the previous Speaker appalled all right-thinking members of society, I told a member of his party that we would all live to regret not challenging such egregious behaviour. Unfortunately, we allowed Speaker Moultrie to let us sow the wind and we are now reaping the whirlwind with Speaker Deveaux.

Unfortunately, this is not the only area of decline in our society. Crime is seemingly out of control as churches, schools and homes are under attack and householders are afraid to leave or stay in their homes. Our children are undereducated and marginalised and our quality and standard of life is falling daily. For instance, when I moved to the area of Stapledon Gardens some 40 years ago, the neighbourhoods were quiet and peaceful. Of late, if you can have a weekend without loud music piercing your eardrums and shaking the walls of your home, you fall on your knees to give thanks for several hours of sleep.

It is wonderful that the New Day government is making such wonderful progress in International affairs according to their press releases. But what does this profit an ordinary citizen who cannot live in comfort in his or her own home during the declining years. We need to get out of the sewer.



June 13, 2022.


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