Davis negative for COVID after Trudeau contact

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Tribune Chief Reporter


PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis tested negative for COVID-19 yesterday after he came into contact with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who recently tested positive for the virus.

Mr Trudeau announced in a Tweet Monday that he was positive for the coronavirus. He said he felt “okay” because he has been vaccinated.

Both prime ministers were among regional leaders who attended the Summit of the Americas from June 6 to 10 in Los Angeles, California.

Press secretary Clint Watson said yesterday he was happy that Mr Davis has tested negative with it being about five days since coming into contact with Mr Trudeau.

Mr Davis was tested and received a negative result just moments ahead of Mr Watson’s interview with reporters.

“The protocol has been followed,” he told reporters at Cabinet yesterday. “The prime minister and the Minister of Health (Michael Darville) who would have been in the meeting as well with prime minister Trudeau both tested.

“They took a test just moments ago again, just out of precaution. Both are negative and so we’re happy that they’re both fine and obviously this would have been a good window to do it now since it’s been past the incubation period.

“So, we’re happy since that meeting would have taken place. I think it would have been on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. This is a good time to test and they’re negative again today. So, we’re happy that they’re all doing well and we continue to exercise an abundance of caution, particularly as we meet with international leaders, conferences. We always exercise caution.

“We’re happy that at the Summit of Americas testing was a requirement every morning in order to gain entry and so precautions were in place and we’re happy that the team continues to be safe.”

He said neither Mr Davis nor Mr Darville displayed any symptoms associated with contracting COVID-19.


ohdrap4 2 years, 3 months ago

If the devil saw Trudeau, he would say Wahat am to do?

I would find a way to void Trudolf Castro.

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