Man accused of abusing 11-year-old


A MAN appeared in Magistrate’s Court yesterday on charges of child abuse against an 11-year-old girl.

Wilshire Dawkins, 38, appeared before Magistrate Kara Turnquest-Deveaux on two counts of cruelty to a child.

On March 1, Dawkins was arrested in New Providence for allegedly abusing an 11-year-old girl in his care and custody, causing her unnecessary suffering and resulting in injury to her health.

In court, Dawkins pleaded not guilty to both counts against him.

Magistrate Turnquest- Deveaux set his bail at $5,000 with two sureties and warned Dawkins that he is not to have contact with the child or any witnesses outside of court.

Dawkins’ case was adjourned to April 8.

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