THERE were some ridiculous political antics on show yesterday, with the leading figures of the PLP right at the heart of them.
Those antics began even before a word was said in Parliament, after Fred Mitchell, who juggles the roles of Foreign Minister representing the people and PLP chairman representing the PLP, sending out a voice note inviting “all PLPs to the public square this Wednesday and show Hubert Minnis who might get their a-- barked if he fools with Prime Minister Philip Davis on Wednesday as he promises to”.
The result? Former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis was heckled by a group of PLP supporters as he walked into the House of Assembly. It also prompted a group of FNM supporters to come out as well – and led Dr Minnis to ask for more police protection.
Both Mr Davis and Dr Minnis are elected representatives, either one should be able to go about their business without groups of supporters being drummed up to heckle them. This lowers the standard of our political environment. Not long ago, the reason given by press secretary Clint Watson for barricades being put up to prevent the media interviewing cabinet ministers was that it was part of the RBDF’s security protocols. How is inviting groups of supporters to show up and “show Dr Minnis who might get their a-- barked” contributing to a safe environment?
The antics continued inside, where Mr Davis railed against the previous administration, talking about “disturbing” commonalities emerging from three separate investigations.
Here’s the thing, however – if you have an investigation under way, you let it continue without interference. You don’t go into Parliament to call the play by play as investigators are still gathering the information.
Might there be things these investigations uncover that proves to be disturbing? Perhaps so, but the Prime Minister putting pressure on from inside Parliament is far from helpful, and could call into question the independence of the process.
Looking at some of the accusations he did make, Mr Davis made much noise about nine percent of the National Food Distribution Task Force funds being allocated to administration costs.
He said: “I thought that this was something, they said NGO. When you say NGO I thinking it was something volunteered. That’s what I thought.”
What nonsense. It seems disingenuous to say the least for the Prime Minister to not realise that non-governmental organisations (NGOs) around the world have costs they have to meet, and therefore set an administration budget to cover such things. That can be everything from covering the costs of submitting accounts to putting fuel in trucks to carry the food to where it’s needed. It can be rental costs for storage, it can be paying professionals in the areas where that is needed to conduct the operation.
Charity assessment organisation Charity Navigator, for example, reports the average charity spends about 15 percent on administrative costs – significantly higher than the nine percent spent here.
It should not come as a surprise to the leader of the nation that you can’t do everything for free when trying to run a nationwide programme to feed thousands of people.
Mr Davis also continued to rail against the Bahamas Travel Visa programme – despite the Auditor General praising that scheme – and the Bahamas Public Parks and Public Beaches Authority.
Meanwhile, his predecessor, Dr Minnis said that the budget statement was one of the “most empty” ever.
Perhaps that’s the reason for all these antics. Why isn’t Mr Davis talking about all the great things his government intends to do and what this budget statement will mean for the nation? Why instead is he pointing the finger at those who came before him and making public findings of incomplete investigations?
Is it all a distraction? Look over there, not over here?
Let the investigations continue, Mr Davis, and act upon the findings when they’re done. Until then, tell us what you are going to do. You can’t get away with blaming your predecessors forever.
birdiestrachan 2 years, 11 months ago
Doc Minnis has threatened PLP members three times. And it was all right He already has Police protection
There were many persons from the churches who would have done this work free of charge
Why did he give the program to persons who do not have the ability to identify with poor people.
Sickened 2 years, 11 months ago
Church doing something free of charge? LOL. Churches don't even marry their flock or baptize children without getting a fee or asking for a donation. Bahamian Churches are businesses - they are in it for the money - and access to depressed woman and choir boys.
quavaduff 2 years, 11 months ago
Excellent and true points. Many churches/preachers charge a fee to bury their "flocks". 9% is reasonable and based on performance, far less than deserved.
moncurcool 2 years, 11 months ago
Name the first church that would do it.
This sparks of ignorance, as even churches need money to do ministry.
moncurcool 2 years, 11 months ago
Real leaders have vision and plans and show where they are going. Davis clearly is showing he is going nowhere and has no vision or plan for this country.
Sickened 2 years, 11 months ago
I have to say though that Davis started off good. Representing us well on the global stage. Unfortunately I think Fred got to him and he's acting all jungless now. He's showing very little respect for us by acting like this.
moncurcool 2 years, 11 months ago
Ok, let's engage in a productive dialogue. What did Davis do in representing us on the global stage? Give speeches on climate change that he is doing nothing about at home?
Leadership is more than speeches. It is vision that inspires to action. It is hindsight, insight, and foresight. What inspirational vision has Davis given to inspire the Bahamian people that it is a NEW Day and there is something to greater to come?
pro_test 2 years, 11 months ago
He gave us hope that a new day is on the rise after Doc cast dark clouds over us. What vision did Doc and crew had? Oban, Bought a hotel they couldn't sell, took the property from the Bahamian developer to give to foreigners forever, Hired an NGO that took 4.7m at start and still paid the chair person 7k a month. And all this talk about people outside parliament is the reaction of Doc threatening to bus people ass. But nothing in this BIAS editorial is mentioning that. WOW!!! Tribune is truly AMAZING!!!!!
moncurcool 2 years, 11 months ago
What hope has Davis given? Take care of him and his cronies. Bring facts to the table please so we engaged in a productive discussion and not innuendos. I am not about politics but about country.
And please stop believing nonsense. The PM knows that no NGO can operate without money. Informed people will tell you that 9% for an NGO is way below the standard.
Doc was talking what he will do in Parliament in his speech to Davis. Mitchell was talking about trying to bring people to physically do harm.
realfreethinker 2 years, 11 months ago
That new day ain't working so well for us. Other than traveling and trifling this government has been stuck in park from they were elected. But nothing new here the PLP has always been good at winning elections, but lousy at governing.
Proguing 2 years, 11 months ago
Well Obama got a Nobel peace prize for a good speech...just saying
moncurcool 2 years, 11 months ago
Obama did more than just give speeches. At least people have health care. What has Davis done for Cat Island in all he years he represented it?
Speeches are not leadership.
rosiepi 2 years, 11 months ago
Davis, Mitchell et al have turned parliament into a sideshow, they have naught to offer but carnival barking. Disgusting
quavaduff 2 years, 11 months ago
Wasn't this to be expected from this cast of characters....the plp has no solid ideas to move the nation forward. If that is not true, name them.
bahamianson 2 years, 11 months ago
Wow, writing this article is a waste of time. This is the order of the day, and it continues......same crap different day.
sheeprunner12 2 years, 11 months ago
I agree with the 3 above comments. The PLP has nothing new to add. Still stuck in the Pindling mindset. Just different actors
birdiestrachan 2 years, 11 months ago
The doc has to stop cussing and threatening people.
Persons who volunteer are not paid a salary.
Now if these were persons of a different hue they would-be labelled thieves.
I was of the view that the lady would bring something to the feeding program not take away a salary.
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