$100k fine for drugs charges


A MAN was fined $100,000 yesterday for drug charges dating back to 2014.

Brian Hanna, 44, appeared before Senior Magistrate Samuel McKinney yesterday on conspiracy and possession of dangerous drug charges.

In late 2014 Hanna was arrested for being found in possession of 1,075 lbs of Indian hemp. Since his arrest the accused has already spent one year on remand.

In court, Hanna reversed his initial plea and pleaded guilty to both charges against him.

While Hanna’s lawyer V Alfred Gray admitted that his client had been found in possession of a substantial amount of drugs, he still asked for the court’s mercy on Hanna’s behalf.

Gray submitted that given the fact that Hanna had already spent a year on remand, while his co-accused had only been sentenced to two years, he believed that a fine would be an appropriate punishment. He argued that Hanna was an engaged man and the father of five who was remorseful for his actions and was now committed to following the law.

In view of this, Magistrate McKinney imposed a $100,000 fine on Hanna for the possession charge. Failure to pay the fine would result in one year in prison. The magistrate also placed the accused on two years probation for the conspiracy charge. If Hanna breaches his probation, it would result in a one year sentence.

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