Gibson preparing to return after police request

LONG Island MP Adrian Gibson.

LONG Island MP Adrian Gibson.


Tribune Staff Reporter


LONG Island MP Adrian Gibson is making preparations to return to The Bahamas from abroad after police requested to speak with him as part of their ongoing investigations into the Water and Sewerage corporation, his attorney told The Tribune yesterday.

The former WSC executive chairman’s planned return to the country comes after police allegedly took several of his rental vehicles on Long Island into custody last week.

Yesterday, Mr Gibson’s attorney, Romona Farquharson-Seymour could not say if her client was being investigated by police nor speak to the scope of investigations into the corporation.

She only said she would know more details about the police probe into WSC after officials spoke with her client.

“I spoke with Mr Gibson very briefly yesterday (Wednesday) and I believe he’s making preparations to return from abroad so he is making preparations to return back to the capital. On Sunday past, the request was made by ACP (Leamond) Deleveaux that he wanted and called in the morning that he wanted to speak to Mr Gibson at 1 o’clock,” she said.

“However, Mr Gibson was not in the jurisdiction so then I received word yesterday either Tuesday or Wednesday from officer Deleveaux asking for me to please let him know when Mr Gibson returns so that he can have a sit down with him.”

 Earlier this month, The Tribune reported that police questioned WSC General Manager Elwood Donaldson for hours as part of their investigation. He was placed on leave in December.

 The attorney said she was told that the questions put to WSC workers and former contractors by police were just general ones.

 “I would know better and know more once he would’ve been interviewed by the police,” Mrs Farquharson-Seymour said. “That, of course, would give you an idea to when they may be going and there are so many other attorneys involved who have taken in clients of persons who they questioned. From workers, it stems from those who worked at the Water and Sewerage Corporation and self-contractors to those who received contracts. So, it’s a very broad and general group and from some of the reports, it was just general questions.”

 Mr Gibson’s tenure at the corporation was put in the spotlight last year after he was accused of awarding no bid contracts to a company that was allegedly owned by people he knew.

 However, he has since denied the allegations, saying the false claims were the sad reality of “silly season” and “mud-slinging” that have become features of Bahamian politics.

 Yesterday, Mrs Farquharson-Seymour told The Tribune she believed her client was being targeted for political reasons, a sentiment shared by many members of the Free National Movement party.

 However, when asked about the issue this week, Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis dismissed accusations that his administration is on a political witch hunt regarding WSC.

 He also insisted that he will not interfere with ongoing investigations.

“All I’m aware of is the investigation is ongoing and they are deciding what they are going to do. It started off as an internal audit report that was presented to me. I turned it over to the Attorney General and the police investigations are continuing,” Prime Minister Davis told reporters.

 “We are different from the FNM,” he added. “We understand what witch-hunting is about because that’s their modus operandi. That’s not what we’re about.”


TalRussell 2 years, 10 months ago

Think it's fair comment about what is factually done in the public domain offers sufficient protection to comment on how much the Tribune's latest holding back on all has they have been privy to about matters surrounding a pet member of the newspaper is far cry from the newspaper's reporting on policeman's matters involving politicians opposite were not of equal journalistic concern ... Seems someoneawnas were themselves .. quick, quick to jump in front of the media to comment about alleged acts of others but not a peep about they own ... including one Pintard,― Yes?

tribanon 2 years, 10 months ago

Yup, you and Birdie belong together.

Bonefishpete 2 years, 10 months ago

"preparations to return from abroad" Is that like Ft Lauderdale abroad or more like Paris abroad?

tribanon 2 years, 10 months ago

Seems Gibson fled the Bahamas as fast as fraidy-cat Davis did when he caught COVID-19. LMAO

sheeprunner12 2 years, 10 months ago

Adrian Gibson is entitled to his constitutional rights and freedoms ...... Why do some of you adopt the foolish stance of "guilty until proven innocent" that the political PR adopts

tribanon 2 years, 10 months ago

Don't worry.....the Courts are going to give him a huge financial reward at the end of the day whether or not he's guilty. It's the new get rich quick scheme for politicians. LOL

sheeprunner12 2 years, 10 months ago

The former PLP politicians who got pay outs did so because the FNM AG failed. This PLP regime is still plotting its course against the former FNMs, especially those sitting MPs. Its a slippery slope that the PLP is on right now. That is why Davis is only blustering

TalRussell 2 years, 10 months ago

Hmmm...In fairness, Comrade Sheepie12's balls remain firmly planted within the domain of the colony of our islands when he's writing his answers to kind questions the policemen are unable to ask the absent MP directly... Likes were never an issue for PLP's ..What a show of a constituent's *blind support!! ― Yes?

sheeprunner12 2 years, 10 months ago

At least I have balls on this matter ...... You just continue to post meaningless drivel

TalRussell 2 years, 10 months ago

@Sheepie12, if you are really a resident living on Long Island then you would've known that the policeman's physical presence has resulted in great numbers and actions taken against valuable assets ... an active investigation has expanded far beyond just asking to come in for a courtesy sit-down interview .... And, so should've the Tribune news room had such knowledge. ―Yes, who are the owners of the assets and innocent until proven guilty?** but report on what's really going on. Yes, Yes, Yes?

sheeprunner12 2 years, 10 months ago

Tal, I won't indulge in your nonsense. But when shit hits the fan, you will be front and centre to see it go down.

Be blessed and don't listen to gossip. That will save your soul 🙏🙏🙏

TalRussell 2 years, 10 months ago

But Comrade Sheepie12, excellent advice had yourself demonstrated bridle of tongue by not engaging in the most of terrible accusations spoken as truths leveled against *members seated opposite ... Maybe be wise go back and see how the MP reacted to members seated opposite at that horrible period ...Fair, True ― Yes?

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