SEABREEZE MP Leslia Brice, who is also the High Commissioner Designate to CARICOM, hosted a lunch and learn session with sixth grade Sadie Curtis Primary School students earlier this month.
During the event, each student was presented with a SMART Savings Challenge guide and piggy banks to encourage ongoing savings habits and practice.
Sixth grade students were selected as the lead recipients of this programme as a high school preparation process.
The session was held on May 11.
Mrs Brice said: “I am delighted to host this inaugural session, which is intended to be an annual event for the grade six students. In our promotion of financial literacy through our Seabreeze Financially SMART initiative, we want to equip these soon-to-be primary school graduates with the tools to spend and save wisely.”
“It is common that as a student enters junior school, parents extend increased responsibility and independence with the management of their lunch money and they become more aware of managing their money,” she also said.
The Financial Academy was selected to offer to the students an exciting and engaging presentation on Saving Now, For Later.
Founder Lakeisha Rolle told students the key tips of committing to making smart money choices; always writing down how much money is received, how much is spent and how much is saved; saving some first; and holding onto cash if there is no need to spend it right away.
Mrs Brice commended the students of Sadie Curtis for their active engagement throughout the presentation and applauded the administration and faculty for their ongoing investment into the lives of young people.
“Financial literacy is an active component of our curriculum as a part of the Junior Achievement Bahamas Elementary Programme implemented here. We are delighted for this opportunity to promote financial literacy further and we are grateful for Mrs Brice’s support to shine light on this fundamental need for our students beyond the classroom,” said Carolyn Wright-Mitchell, principal of Sadie Curtis Primary School.
The Financially SMART Lunch and Learn series followed Seabreeze’s April community meeting themed: “The Total You.”
During this meeting, the Seabreeze MP hosted Dr Julian Moncur, Dr Novia Carter-Lookie and Cleora Farquaharson who presented healthy tips, mental health expertise and financial advice.
Mrs Brice gifted all attendees with healthy food packages and budget planners.
“The aim of our initiatives in Seabreeze is to be empowering, impactful but also practical. We want attendees to walk away with an increased knowledge but also the resources to apply what was shared,” she said.
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