THE man who was shot dead outside his Kool Acres home on Wednesday night has been identified by area residents as 53-year-old Nathan Stubbs.
According to police, the incident occurred shortly before 10pm outside the victim’s residence.
Police were alerted to the killing sometime after 9pm on Wednesday.
He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Asked by a reporter if police were concerned about the ongoing spate of killings, Chief Superintendent Michael Johnson said: “Well we are always concerned, one murder is too much.
“We again, every week we meet, and we come up with strategies and tweak strategies in trying to deal with these matters. And we continue to ask the public to please be careful, be aware of their surroundings and assist the police as much as possible.”
Meanwhile, activist Khandi Gibson, of Families Of All Murder Victims, said the real victims of the killings are the family members who now have to mourn the loss of a loved one.
“It’s sad for me because the real victims are not the person on the ground, the real victims are the family members who are grieving, are hurting, and feel betrayed. Because the majority of times it’s not strangers killing our loved ones, but it’s their friends or their family members.
“It’s us who are left to bargain with God, ‘God why you ain’t take me? if you had just given me one more chance with them.’
“What is even more sad, it’s the fact that while many were still undercover or indoors from Tropical Storm Nicole, we have someone out here for some reason, who decided to take the life of a young man last night (Wednesday),” Ms Gibson said.
Ms Gibson added that although a number of people who have been murdered recently were out on bail for serious offences that person is still someone’s loved one and family.
“Someone still loves that person, regardless of what he or she was accused of, that is still someone’s loved one,” Ms Gibson said.
It is understood that the victim was on bail on drug-related matters.
This latest killing has pushed the country’s murder count to 116, according to this newspaper’s records.
It follows a series of recent violent incidents in the country.
On November 4, a man believed to be in his mid-20s or early 30s was shot in his car at Palm Breeze Drive.
On November 2, a German man, identified as 57-year-old Torsten Hendrick, was killed and another was seriously injured in a double shooting in Kemp’s Bay, Andros.
Two days earlier, a woman in her 40s was fatally shot after receiving a phone call to come outside of her Johnson Road home.
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