A MAN who was recently released from prison was shot dead at the intersection of Eden Street and Foster Road on Saturday.
According to police, the incident occurred shortly before 9pm on Saturday. Preliminary reports reveal that two men on a moped pulled up at a business at the intersection of Eden Street and Foster Road and simultaneously a light-coloured van pulled alongside.
A man got out of the van, opened fire on the duo which resulted in one of the men being shot multiple times, said police. The male shot multiple times died on scene. The second man was able to escape unharmed and is presently assisting police with their investigation.
However, the culprits reportedly fled the scene heading east along Foster Road.
Asked by a reporter at the scene if the victim was targeted in the incident, Chief Superintendent Chrislyn Skippings said: “Well it appears as if the suspect knew who his target was.”
This newspaper understands the victim had been charged with armed robbery offences.
Activist Khandi Gibson, of Families Of All Murder Victims, told this newspaper on Thursday the real victims of the killings are the family members who now have to mourn the loss of a loved one.
“It’s sad for me because the real victims are not the person on the ground, the real victims are the family members who are grieving, are hurting, and feel betrayed. Because the majority of times it’s not strangers killing our loved ones, but it’s their friends or their family members.
“It’s us who are left to bargain with God, ‘God why you ain’t take me? if you had just given me one more chance with them.”
Ms Gibson added that although a number of people who have been murdered recently were out on bail for serious offences, that person is still someone’s loved one and family.
“Someone still loves that person, regardless of what he or she was accused of, that is still someone’s loved one,” Ms Gibson said.
The latest killing has pushed the country’s murder count to 118, according to The Tribune’s records.
It follows a series of recent violent incidents in the country: on November 10, a 22-year-old man was killed in Exuma; a day earlier a 53-year-old man was shot dead outside his Kool Acres home.
On November 4, a man believed to be in his mid- 20s or early 30s was shot in his car at Palm Breeze Drive and on November 2, a German man, identified as 57-year-old Torsten Hendrick, was killed and another man, his relative, was seriously injured in a double shooting in Kemp’s Bay, Andros.
JokeyJack 2 years, 3 months ago
Jungle Justice
Sickened 2 years, 3 months ago
Young men please take note... you should not hang around with people who just got out of prison and/or have ankle bracelets on and who are being accused of murder. And if you do... don't complain when you are shot at by people trying to kill your 'friend'. THINK!!!
Note: I'm pretty sure most of these murderer's on bail who are being shot are actually guilty. So... good. I'm glad they're being taken out. But maybe the police should do it so that there are no unintended victims? The pine barrens would be a great place to deal with the scum.
John 2 years, 3 months ago
@ SiCKeNEd: you know they sent a similar message to young people over four decades ago: ‘young men, don’t hang around people who smoke drugs.’ And that’s when Americas ‘Fake War on Drugs (Young, Black,Bahamian Men.’ They were ostracized and prevented from getting advanced education and decent job or even to travel. Who can convince any sensible reasonably thinking individual that all the murders in this country is not an extension or continuation of the fake war on drugs. The goal and end result is the same: they want young, black men dead. Get it! Now figure how being charged when th murder figures into the equation. And the ankle bracelets and who has access to information from the monitoring. How is it a person on an ankle monitor can be dead for three days and the monitoring company is unaware that there’s no movement. But persons can be tracked anywhere in other parts of the country and get bloody murdered? Ninety percent of the murders and other crimes committed in this country are done using guns made in America! Let’s make That country great aga…. Whilst you bury your sons and uncles and fathers and brothers.. all of em Black ma bey!
John 2 years, 3 months ago
Call it what it is A War on Race and Black Men.’ ‘Ethnic Cleaning 2020 and beyond… but East Germany will stop them . Not just for us but because of Us.. read ya Bible ma bey! Even the one there convoluted.
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