Thelma Gibson Primary School ‘is fully functional’

EDUCATION Minister Glenys Hanna Martin.

EDUCATION Minister Glenys Hanna Martin.


Tribune Staff Reporter


EDUCATION Minister Glenys Hanna Martin informed parents of students attending Thelma Gibson Primary School that measures have been put in place to assure continuous supervision and instruction of the students in those classrooms.

Her comments come after tensions between teachers at the school and the school’s principal continued, with a number of workers allegedly calling in sick or refusing to show up to work.

On Tuesday, a group of angered teachers from the school, led by Belinda Wilson, demonstrated outside the Office of the Prime Minister in response to ongoing workplace concerns with the school’s principal.

On Wednesday, the Bahamas Union of Teachers protested outside of Parliament.

Ms Hanna Martin spoke on the “industrial action by teachers” in a press statement yesterday.

“Over the last several days, a group of teachers at Thelma Gibson Primary School have engaged in action leading to the withdrawal of their services from their classrooms. The Department of Labour has previously intervened in this dispute and despite this the stated conduct is continuing,” according to the statement.

“I wish to inform all parents of students attending Thelma Gibson Primary School that I have confirmed that measures have been put in place to assure continuous supervision and instruction of the students in those classrooms.

“Our fundamental responsibility is the education of our children. Parents can rest assured that Thelma Gibson Primary School is fully functional and students are attending classes under the supervision of teachers.”

The Tribune contacted Mrs Wilson, but she declined to comment on the press statement.

Last month, teachers at the school walked out of classes in anger after an alleged argument between the school’s principal and a teacher a day earlier. Mrs Wilson said the teacher has made a police report and the majority of the teachers at the school support her.


tribanon 2 years, 5 months ago


sheeprunner12 2 years, 5 months ago

It is a dangerous precedent to set when teachers can rise up against Administration and force a duly appointed public officer out of his/her office based on an amateur list of so-called grievances that have NO substance or details.

It is so sad that rabble rouser Belinda Wilson will always find a few clowns on any school campus who may themselves have NO good record in the workplace.

We cannot be sidetracked by stupid drama. Professionals should have the ability to resolve workplace matters more amicably than what BUT displays. BEMU should be applauded for seeking constructive resolution strategies. If the Principal is at fault, then she should step down after a proper investigation of the facts.

birdiestrachan 2 years, 5 months ago

If they are able to get rid of the head mistress who and what will be next , if Ms Daxon has done wrong bring the evidence ,

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