Failed pump replaced at school


EDUCATION Minister Glenys Hanna Martin speaking to the press yesterday.


Tribune Staff Reporter


EDUCATION Minister Glenys Hanna Martin said a failed pump that led to plumbing issues at Stephen Dillet Primary School has been replaced.

The issue caused the school to be dismissed early on Monday.

This came less than a week after school was dismissed early at CC Sweeting Senior High School due to electricity issues.

Ms Hanna Martin said the issue at CC Sweeting was due to Bahamas Power and Light.

“When your light goes off - it’s BPL okay. CC Sweeting was BPL. It’s very important that we do not go all over the place - I’m not being disrespectful. We cannot go all over the place with narratives. CC Sweeting was BPL – it was a transformer - and that was circumstances beyond anyone’s control.

“In the case of Stephen Dillet, I’m told that it was one of the pumps that failed, they went this morning, and they’ve replaced the pump. Okay, so the pump’s been replaced. It’s a thing and the thing broke down, and it’s been replaced. But all the schools are open, all the children in school, and I wish we did concentrate on how we can move forward, our young people.”

She had also previously said that officials will test students for learning loss in early October so they will have a better understanding of COVID’s true impact on education in The Bahamas.

Asked for an update on this, she said plans for this to be carried out are still being worked on.


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