16-year-old girl sexually assaulted by two men


Tribune Court Reporter


TWO men abducted and sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl in a bush while she walked near Baillou Hill Road early on Sunday.

Police said the girl was walking around 12am when two men in a black Nissan March accosted her.

“After being abducted by the suspects, they reportedly took the victim to the Munnings Drive area where they sexually assaulted her in the bushes,” police said in a statement. “Authorities are still on the hunt for the culprits after  they made good their escape.”

The incident comes as reports of escalating sex crimes have attracted national attention recently.

 There were 55 reports of rape in 2022, up 15 per cent from 2021.

 “The fact that this is another element of criminality that’s on the rise tells us that people are disordered,” National Security Minister Wayne Munroe said last week. “So when you think that you can force yourself on someone be it a man or a woman who is doing it that person’s upbringing couldn’t have inculcated in them that you are to respect people’s privacy if you expect them to respect yours. We continue to make it easier for people to report these offices.”

 “People say their convictions follow them. (Sex crimes convictions) will follow you. That is a conviction that will disentitle you to work around children. That is a conviction that will probably drive people not to hire you, certainly around women. So before people think about that you should think about the weight that it will put on your life going forward.”


mandela 1 year, 5 months ago

These punks need to be caught and sent to Foxhill prison immediately, The RBPF need to find them with the same vigor and aggressiveness they did when the police officer got shot. I think an evaluation of criminals in these types of cases should be done when convicted to find out their intellect to see just how dumb or smart they are, as far as schooling is concerned. I will bet they will all be under the E or F average in school. These cowards would rape someone's mother or daughters and when the same shoe is on the other foot they want to harm the perpetrator. Weak men, if you can call them, men.

ThisIsOurs 1 year, 5 months ago

The problem is way bigger than those 2 men. Many "respectable" men in expensive suits are preying on their female employees and mentees. The only difference is name recognition and willingness of the police to prosecute. This is why we need to select our leaders on character and ethics, popularity is not enough.

stillwaters 1 year, 5 months ago

These men act like rabid animals

ThisIsOurs 1 year, 5 months ago

Something is happening. Men are by nature sexual creatures but this is an aberration. Our minds are being fed a constant diet of sex, marijuana, gambling and alcohol highs. I've heard some people plant seeds about legalizing prostitution. It's the exact opposite of what we need. We need young men to start thinking soberly not to be taught that every vice should be indulged

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