
EDITOR, The Tribune.

I thought in our Constitution there is an Article which guarantees no discrimination on any grounds, including gender, but, sir, what do we see?

A never-ending meeting — function — month/week specifically forwarding something in favour of the female gender.

Do we have a ‘Men’s Month’ — ‘A Men’s National Appreciation Week- Day?’ No.

It’s time we read and comply with the highest Law of the land — The Constitution of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

The publication of the new amended Procurement Act and explanations from MPs - Minsters the means of procurement cannot have discrimination... as long as the person tendering is licenced and legal their price-terms, etc, must be considered on a level playing field be they the smallest business or the largest. Sorry, what I heard from certain Ministers was certainly contrary of that... even indicated deliberate preferences in favour of small business and Family Island businesses.

Not a female feminist, but a supporter of Constitutional compliance.



March 27, 2023.


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