Man accused of threatening three people with shotgun


Tribune Court Reporter


A 55-year-old man was granted $8,000 bail in court on Thursday after he was accused of threatening three people with a shotgun.

Jon Brown, stood before Magistrate Kara Turnquest-Deveaux on three counts of possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life.

It is alleged that on March 31 Brown endangered the lives of Jamal Sinclair, Jareth Cartwright, Jr, and Maleia Sinclair with a 12 gauge Tomahawk 1800 shotgun.

In court the accused pleaded not guilty to the charges. Bail was granted to Brown at $8,000 with two sureties. He was also warned not to interfere with any witnesses in this matter while on release.

Brown’s trial is set for May 30.

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