Murdered woman found in canal indentified as Yinka Strachan


Yinka Maria Strachan


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE woman whose dead body was found riddled with bullets in the South Beach canal on Wednesday has been identified as 42-year-old Yinka Maria Strachan.

A 34-year-old man has been arrested in connection with her death, according to police.

Ms Yinka was a Fusion Superplex employee with at least three children.

Men swimming in the South Beach canal found her body partially submerged in waters around 3.30pm on Wednesday.

Yesterday, Dr Trevare Sherman, chief people and experience officer at Fusion Superplex, described her death as a “big loss”.

“This is a major tragedy and you know, I really hope that we find justice for her,” she said.

“That’s just really important as her life is already lost and we really just want justice in this matter.”

Yinka joined the Fusion Superplex team as a supervisor two months ago. Her ex-husband works at the company.

Dr Sherman called Yinka a warm, energetic and bubbly person who left a memorable mark during her short tenure at the company.

“She was very engaged, very involved, had great work ethics, and she had a really take-charge attitude,” she said.

“She definitely was an asset to the business and we were looking forward to, you know … we’re definitely shocked that she’s no longer with us.”

“Everyone’s broken up, you know it’s (the news) completely disrupted everything today. People are just trying to understand, they want to know why this has happened to her.”


carltonr61 1 year, 4 months ago

Another tragedy. While listening to the hidden and unspoken rules of young men as they brag that females like a certain type of men. But why do they play with fire? It is a dangerous circle of deception and possession but in their game the actors lives are destroyed forever. And the young people sout out in jubilation "movie. Movie." All the while kids and parents are crying and the public is left wondering who else.

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