Back-to-school VAT holiday arrives too late to help

BUT president Belinda Wilson.

BUT president Belinda Wilson.


Tribune Staff Reporter


BAHAMAS Union of Teachers president Belinda Wilson said the government’s Back-to-School VAT holiday arrives too late in the year to have maximum benefit.

She criticised Education Minister Glenys Hanna Martin, who said the holiday timeline, which ranges from August 19 to September 10, will be beneficial.

“Obviously, if the minister said that was enough time, she does not have children in school,” Mrs Wilson told reporters. “Furthermore, she’s not poor like the people in her constituency who are depending on the little cheque to prepare their children.

“So, tell her to rewind, go in her constituency, do a survey, and she will see that the majority of the parents in the Englerston constituency are awaiting the few dollars to buy their children uniforms.”

Mrs Hanna Martin told The Tribune last week: “The period is August 19 to September 10, a three-week period. I believe it will be extremely helpful to parents in preparing children for school.”

Mrs Wilson said government schools open for most students on August 28, meaning parents who get paid monthly may benefit the least from the holiday.

“Parents who depending on this August salary to prepare their students for school will not have access to those funds,” she said.

“If you open school early, and the parents cannot purchase the uniforms, the lunch, and the books for the students, then they’re not coming to school anyway until the following week. So let common sense prevail and logic.”

Mrs Wilson also said teachers do not have the $250 allowance for school supplies that they were promised.

“School opens next Monday, but teachers don’t have the first dollar in their pockets,” she said. “So if you are preparing for school, the logical thinker would know that you would need the monies in your hands at least by July payday so that you will be prepared for the August school opening.”

She said she spoke to acting director of education Dominique McCartney-Russell and hopes teachers will be paid soon.


birdiestrachan 1 year, 7 months ago

Ms Wilson loves the lime light so here she goes again she has found something to give her attention , It will be benefit some,

hrysippus 1 year, 7 months ago

Wow, Belinda really wants to get one of them sweet mp's jobs. Mp's get almost as much vacation as teachers do....

birdiestrachan 1 year, 7 months ago

Wilson is rude there is no reason to attack mrs Hanna, she is not a good example as to how grown up people should conduct themselves

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