Governor General gives thanks for workers at PHA institutions

HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville welcomes Governor General Cynthia ‘Mother’ Pratt to Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre as she toured PHA facilities. Photo: Dante Carrer

HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville welcomes Governor General Cynthia ‘Mother’ Pratt to Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre as she toured PHA facilities. Photo: Dante Carrer


Tribune Staff Reporter


GOVERNOR General Cynthia “Mother” Pratt expressed appreciation to Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre (SRC) staff yesterday during the annual governor general’s visit to Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) institutions.

Officials gave remarks to the staff and toured a part of the geriatrics unit. The event’s theme was “A Shining Star of Health. Help. Hope. Healing”.

“Some of you may remember that I am not a stranger to the work of your institution and I have developed a deeper understanding and appreciation for the crucial aspects of mental health, substance abuse as within the contexts of The Bahamas, all of which are available to our people in the pursuit of wellness.”

“I have also been immensely impressed by the involvement of various partners and volunteers who donate time, treasure and talent to this honourable institution to support a visionary approach of the team with your commitment to addressing the unique needs of the residents and your dedication, fostering inclusivity for the elderly within the broader community.”

“Having witnessed the meticulous preparations that are underlying success of your multi-faceted projects, I assure you of my continued support of your vision to improve health, self-sufficiency and the quality of life for those you care, treat and rehabilitate.”

Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville highlighted improvements to Sandilands facilities.

“We’ve upgraded the physical plant and we are now discussing the possibility to expand our geriatric unit, while at the same time putting in more safe and more efficient protocols that is clearly outlined in our new Mental Health Act,” he said.

“This was something that was passed in the House of Assembly. It has been enacted by the Governor General and now we’re trying to bring it into force with training, upgrading the facilities, as well as putting new medical equipment in place so that we can do a better job for the administration of pharmaceuticals at our Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre.”


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