PM: Renewable plan clear strategy

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis. Photo: Dante Carrer

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis. Photo: Dante Carrer


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said the government’s plan to develop renewable energy on Family Islands is a “clear economic strategy” to give Bahamians affordable power.

He made his comments during a press conference on the government’s Request For Proposal (RFP) process for improving power supply on several Family Islands.

Power generation on the selected Family Islands is expected to improve through microgrids, cleaner fuel, and renewables.

“Our commitment to renewable energy and solar microgrids is not just an environmental standard,” Mr Davis said. “It’s about ensuring that Bahamins are not left at the mercy of fluctuating oil prices and external economic pressures.”

“We have the opportunity today to make a choice that will echo through generations. We can choose to harness the sun's abundant energy, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and take control of our energy future."

Minister of Energy and Transport JoBeth Coleby-Davis said several Family Islands had been selected to be a part of the renewable energy systems: Abaco, Andros, Bimini, Eleuthera, Exuma, Long Island, Rum Cay, San Salvador, and Berry Islands.

Mrs Coleby–Davis said each Family Island has a unique requirement for generations and load levels.

Asked for the estimated cost in savings consumers on the Family Islands will see once the energy systems are implemented, Mrs Coleby–Davis couldn’t say. She noted the project is still in the early phases.

“We are going to be going after the best cost and the best cost is what is less than what BPL is presently spending to maintain those Family Islands,” Mrs Coleby–Davis said.

She added that officials will commence site visitations on the Family Islands next week Monday. The first island to be assessed will be Eleuthera.

Cat Island was among the islands not included in the programme.

“We have funding through the IDB and so certain islands were segregated," Mrs Colbey-Davis said. "But if not, this minister will ensure that it happens for every Family Island and the prime minister would not allow it no other way.”

World-class firms were called to participate in the bidding process of the project. Independent power producers were also asked to propose comprehensive “microgrid solutions.”

Thé micro solution will feature a combined 25 Mega Watts (MW) of renewable energy and an “additional” 90 MW of “prime power generation” across multiple Family Islands.

The submission deadline for the RFP is January 26, 2024.


sheeprunner12 1 year, 3 months ago

The idea of converting the Family Islands power supply to renewables is at least 20 years overdue.

The only issue is why is it that the Government is continuing to hold on to BPL????

The Government should either allow Bahamians to own the individual island power grids or invest in the RE upgrades.

The idea of foreigners coming in to provide RE to BPL is rather distateful & unpatriotic ........ Except that the Government is being dictated to by the OECD/ UN.

ThisIsOurs 1 year, 3 months ago

I dont want to say that foreign companies have more money and are easier to extort for large amounts of money. So I wont. What I will say is the US State Dept report lists one of the chief complaints of companies responding to Bshamian RFPs is the request for money in return for contract award, i.e., extortion. Bahamian companies on the other hand aren't less open to extortion but they have less attractive monies to do so with. Just my theory.

I recall the 200,000 "fee" the kiddie carnival has to pay the current political party to get into the country. Makes not one wit of sense no matter how they try to justify it. How many more companies are being asked to pay the political party to gain access?

ExposedU2C 1 year, 3 months ago

On any given day this jerk PM of ours blows more pollution into the atmosphere than the average smoke stack of a cruise ship.

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