Speaking for Bahamians?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A voice note has been sent around on Whatsapp from the president of the taxi union, Wesley Ferguson – and it has to be heard to be believed.

The more you hear it, the more it sounds like he’s shooting his fellow taxi drivers in the foot!

He is speaking up in favour of the Royal Caribbean development over on Paradise Island, but in doing so, he seems happy to throw his fellow Bahamians under the bus.

First, he says it’s better for a foreign business to be granted Crown Land over Bahamians because he says Bahamians don’t follow through on their plans.

He says Bahamians will switch their plans to housing for the wealthy so we should trust the foreigner instead.

Then what next? He talks of opportunities for ferry boat operators. Does he not think Royal Caribbean will have its own boat to drop people off to their venue?

He says there will be opportunities for straw vendors and hair braiders. Good luck with that!

Mr Ferguson even admits there will be no road to the property so there’s no extra money coming the way of his fellow taxi drivers, so why is he speaking up in favour of a project that will be of no benefit at all to his members?

The visitors getting off ships Downtown now will have one more thing to take them away from spending their money there. They can hop on a boat to the RCCL resort instead – not a taxi, likely not a water ferry, but the RCCL ferry boat. Off they go with their money in their pockets, and no one left ashore gets a penny.

You would think Mr Ferguson would be keen for his members to pick up fares to take visitors to Atlantis or Baha Mar, on island tours, perhaps to the Fish Fry, to the beach, to Fort Fincastle, Fort Charlotte or anywhere else that keeps their meters turning.

It doesn’t look like you’re speaking for them, Mr Ferguson. And it certainly doesn’t look like you’re speaking for Bahamians!



February 8, 2023


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