Upcoming CARICOM to showcase Bahamian culture and discuss regional issues

LESLIA Miller-Brice speaking yesterday about the plans for the upcoming CARICOM meeting. Photo: Moise Amisial

LESLIA Miller-Brice speaking yesterday about the plans for the upcoming CARICOM meeting. Photo: Moise Amisial



LESLIA Miller-Brice, the Bahamas High Commissioner to CARICOM, looks forward to progressive discussions on energy security, climate change, and food security in The Bahamas at the CARICOM meeting next week.

Yesterday at the Office of The Prime Minister, Mrs Miller-Brice, who is also the Seabreeze MP and chair of the Independence Secretariat, spoke on what she hopes the upcoming CARICOM meeting will achieve, as both CARICOM and The Bahamas turn 50 this year.

“Next week, I look forward to welcoming our regional counterparts and diplomatic colleagues from within the region. I look forward to Prime Minister Davis’s chairmanship over the deliberations and in depth discussions,” she said.

“(These discussions) I believe will underscore the urgency of regional cooperation on key issues of national and regional importance, such as energy security, climate change, and food security, particularly in light of inflation and cost of living crisis at home and regionally,” Mrs Miller- Brice said.

“Next week, we will have the opportunity to showcase our Bahamian talent with an evening of entertainment, music and art. We will pause and honour and pay tribute to Dame Janet Bostwick. And we look forward to sharing with our regional brothers and sisters, a taste of Bahamian culture, our heritage and our pride,” she said.

“But beyond the jubilant celebrations and camaraderie, we aim to leave next week’s meeting more united, more connected and more focused on sound solutions that strengthen our region, uplift our communities and empower our people,” she said.

“To CARICOM and to The Bahamas, may we always remember these words, we cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose. Where there is unity. There is always victory,” she said.


birdiestrachan 1 year, 7 months ago

Mrs Miller Brice always does well in whatever projects she does

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