No bail for accused of armed robbery of man at ATM machine


Tribune Court Reporter


A MAN was remanded to prison yesterday after being accused of robbing a man of his phone and ATM cards at knifepoint.

Michael Johnson, 30, appeared before Senior Magistrate Derence A Rolle Davis on a charge of armed robbery.

J Johnson along with James Simeon, 21, faced a charge of receiving.

It is alleged that on February 9 in New Providence while armed with a knife, Johnson robbed Islove Lucin of $8 cash and a $500 iPhone 8 Plus. During this mugging it is said that the thief ran off with Lucian’s Commonwealth Bank and Royal Bank of Canada bank cards.

On the same day, it is alleged that both accused were found by police with these stolen items.

Due to the nature of the offence the accused were not required to enter a plea at this time. They were informed that this matter would be transferred to the Supreme Court by a voluntary bill of indictment (VBI).

The accused were further told that as the magistrate lacked the jurisdiction to grant them bail they had the right to apply for it through the higher court.

The VBIs in this matter are set for service on April 11.

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