Four men charged with firearm possession


Tribune Court Reporter


FOUR men were charged yesterday after being accused of driving with a loaded gun in their car early Monday morning.

Ramone Haughton, 25, Tyric Heron, 19, Geno Brennen, 27 and Kevin Hanna, 25, all faced Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt on charges of possession of unlicensed ammunition and possession of ammunition.

According to police reports, around 2am on February 20 the four accused were stopped by officers on Duke Street in their black Nissan March for suspicious behaviour. A search of the vehicle uncovered a silver and black coloured Ruger pistol, serial number 34418995. The confiscated weapon had 10 unfired rounds of 9mm ammunition.

In court all accused pleaded not guilty to the offence.

The prosecution then objected to Haughton and Heron being granted bail pointing out that as both are of Jamaican descent, their status here is in doubt. While there were no objections to the two remaining defendants’ bail applications, the prosecution asked that sign-in conditions be attached.

Bail was granted to Brennen and Hanna at $8,000 each with two sureties. Under the conditions of this bail they must sign in at Nassau Street Police Station every Tuesday and Thursday by 6pm.

Meanwhile Haughton and Heron are to be remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services until their status hearing on March 15. All four accused are expected to attend.

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