Requests for repairs unanswered

EDITOR, The Tribune.

There is something that having the environment around you, especially the derelict and rundown state of anything can and does to the human psychic, which in the least is not encouraging and even Father God has a major problem with this kind of tolerance.

There is no question that the politicians down through the years have had, and do have a problem with the maintenance of Bahamas Government buildings to the point that we have seen, before they repair something, they would demolished it completely and then go out and lease the space from privately owned building concerns, why?

A case in point, the General Post Office building, East Hill Street, undertaken by Sir Lynden Pindling, while Hon Doris Johnson had had oversight for the Ministry of Works, I think it was, back in 1971-72? At the time, this building’s architecture was quite a feat then and even during the early 1980’s when my sibling transferred the only postal rental the family had to me. Because of this, I made bi-weekly visits there to clear my mailbox, etc. I believed that Sir Lynden Pindling is still turning over in his grave, in disbelief that politicians would actually demolish the main Post Office that he fought so hard to establish, one of his many accomplishments - even the Clarence A Bain building was demolished.

You wouldn’t mind so much if the people signing on the dotted lines to do it, had themselves built something in the name of the Bahamian people, nothing that they can point to - mere destroyers of the good, I think?

Now, what I also find revolting is when complaints were made concerning either structure, leaking roofs, moulds and/or mildew, the levels of the nonchalant way that they dismissed those requests for help is atrocious, deficiencies in government buildings.

Surfing The Tribune for today, I was taken aback and wondered how can a Court system operate effectively under the conditions depicted by the sitting Chief Justice Sir Ian Winder – and especially of concern how many Justices complained to politicians and to date, nothing has been done. Why?

Yet, when the New Commissioner of Police was installed, the powers that be wanted to know what were his plans to battle crimes within the Commonwealth of the Bahamas? Which was an unfair expectation, given the continued methods of operation, arrests were made of offenders of the law by the police, but in a day or two these criminals were back among members of the public, re-offending, how come? I cannot help as a consequence of the horrible state of courtroom buildings, who would want to go for extended periods to have daily trials lasting often beyond eight hours, exposing their health to conditions that potentially could end in death.

Editor, something is very wrong with the way we prioritise, this Progressive Liberal Party Government, rather than try to carry out remedial work on Court buildings, have assigned north of thirty million dollars of Taxpayers money to go on these elaborate and unnecessary global trips, why?

To the Powers that be Father God said stop. He sees the advantages - if you don’t heed, “I the Lord Thy God, will move in death among you, Haters of The People,” said God. “The Mouth of Jehovah has spoken it.” Lord your words are already settled in the Heavens, Amen.



January 12, 2023.


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