Cut the ceremony and get on with it

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Official opening of Assize in Nassau of The Supreme Court surely should suffice and the repeat ceremony in Grand Bahama is just fanciful political artificiality?

Do we have two sets of Supreme Courts? Surely, we can save all the expenses and put that cost to engaging more court officials to clear up the enormous court backlog which we have had for years.

Didn’t we have Swift Justice or some slick slogan back under PM Christie and AG Maynard Gibson – the swiftness doesn’t seem to have had too much affect as we talk about enormous unacceptable backlog - people coming to court years, yes, years six-seven-eight years after being arrested and charged and their cases unheard. Certainly, now questions of Human Rights violations must arise.

Cut the ceremony, get on with the business, please. Why do the Courts start business so late in the day for starters?

Everyone else starts at 9am prompt, shouldn’t they also?



January 14, 2023.


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