Tribune Staff Reporter
LABOUR Minister Keith Bell endorsed a call for greater protection for union members, saying legislation is on the way to achieve this.
Dwayne Woods, president of the Bahamas Utilities Service and Allied Workers Union (BUWASU), called for stronger laws to help unions last week after one of the union’s chief shop stewards at Atlantis was fired.
“We believe if we sit down and allow this to happen with the chief shop steward, trouble is going to come because, in some spheres, we still have officers of the union who are employed. And for us, we believe that the time has come and is long overdue for legislation to protect unions, union officers, and the like in this country,” he said.
Asked if the Department of Labour is investigating the termination of Princess Adderley, Mr Bell said: “The employee has a particular cause of action if she wishes to pursue. I am not aware of any formal complaint or report, or grievance being lodged with the Department of Labour as yet.”
However, Labour director Robert Farquharson said last week that the union did file a trade dispute over the woman’s dismissal.
As for legislation, he said: “It’s a work in progress. We meet with the union every quarter, and that’s one of the matters that we addressed. We’re looking to continue to work with the union and, of course, the employers to ensure that we put more teeth in our legislation. But we want to ensure that we maintain a harmonious relationship between the workers and the employers and, of course, the government.”
Atlantis fired Ms Adderley for alleged insubordination and incitement of work stoppage. The union claims workers had objected to paying for new independence uniform shirts because their demands for a new industrial agreement have not been met.
The BUWASU protested the woman’s termination in front of the Department of Labour.
ThisIsOurs 1 year, 6 months ago
Can Mr Bell tell us why the firing was unlawful in plain terms? If he cannot he should not be speaking on this matter. Its unbelievable that he can use the weight of his office to make this statement then in the same breath say he doesnt know if a complaint was filed. This is the union, they know all the rules, if they think the officer was fired wrongly they can file a complaint. It cant be she cant be fired because "its her", how would any employer maintain order?
This seems really frivolous. How often are new uniforms issued? Was this mandatory or voluntary participation? Is paying for new uniforms something employees would expect to have to do? Does an employee have the option to say "I dont want to pay". Is this a practice as in other organizations where the employer gives employees the option to wear specially branded material for specific occasions and facilitates the purchase of the merchandise? It doesnt seem as if Bell knows any of this.
themessenger 1 year, 6 months ago
Bell is now further prostituting himself by pimping for the Union votes, Lol.
It is the private sector that need protective legislature against the Unions predatorial and dictatorial practices. Their idea of negotiations is my way or the highway with no in between.
When they can't get their way they resort to sometimes outright criminal behavior, not limited to trespassing and willful destruction of private property and verbal and even physical assault on persons with no consequences.
The politicians of both mainstream parties have forever pandered to them for fear of losing that segment of the vote, usually with disastrous results for both them and the populous at large.
As they say, when you sup with the devil you need a long spoon!!
The_Oracle 1 year, 6 months ago
And who will stand forward to protect the people from all special interests, including the elected themselves?
ThisIsOurs 1 year, 6 months ago
"Never let your good be spoken evil of"
themessenger 1 year, 6 months ago
@The_Oracle, The union executives have always had, and still have, their own agendas and "special interests" including but not limited to their personal bank accounts, European and far east vacations, sumptuous mansions and rental properties etc. Where do the people, including the union rank and file, fit into those? Do you honestly think the union executives give a rats ass about any of them or were you just speaking tongue in cheek?
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