EDITOR, The Tribune.
Our closest neighbour has not had a full accredited Ambassador as they would say “in-country” for over nine plus years basically since the last much liked Ambassador Nicole Avant left.
One-two different Presidents nominated certainly political nominees for the appointment - one the nomination lapsed and now under President Biden we have another - if that is not voted on the upcoming US election might come and go and the US will have a new President and, guess what, the US will still not have an Ambassador to The Bahamas.... Then 10 years and counting.
Does it really matter? The Bahamas Embassy has been well covered by very efficient and professional career State Department Officers - an Ambassador, the norm for The Bahamas a political nominee - a person who donated $ thousands to the sitting Presidents’ campaign can usually pick up the telephone and call the President (yes, a difference).
If The Bahamas is strategically so important why didn’t two Presidents simply nominate a Career State Department Officer as Ambassador years ago - surely nine plus years without a full Ambassador is unprecedented? Got to wait till a political nominee is successfully approved in the Senate.
As foreign things go doesn’t show too much real interest suggests of the US.... Bahamas we can deal with them with a career Officer no need of a full Ambassador... so be it then? But please don’t criticise who we talk to other than the US.
July 20, 2023.
ThisIsOurs 1 year, 5 months ago
Well they could send us the LBGTQ ambassador Jamaica rejected. We honestly would have no reason to reject the ambassador as so many in the David administration are also LBGTQ.
As a general principle I do think its wrong for the US to force their culture on another country/culture. Its no different than what Columbus did to the new world and the Americans did to the Native Indians
LastManStanding 1 year, 5 months ago
To be fair, most Americans don't support the groomer movement so I wouldn't describe it as part of their culture. It took a court ruling on questionable grounds to make same sex "marriage" legal across the US when even a state such as California outright rejected the notion as late as 2008. Same story in Taiwan. Similar story here with the PHellP legalizing numbers houses despite the Bahamian people clearly voting against it.
The truth is that regular people have zero say in what happens in any of these countries; "voting" and "democracy" are no realer than anything you see on "reality" TV.
sheeprunner12 1 year, 5 months ago
How many other countries with as "close" ties to USA (as we like to say that we are) have had NO ambassador for over the past 10 years?
It will be hard to name more than three .......
Meanwhile, we have a Chinese ambassador 💯
mandela 1 year, 5 months ago
With an over 300 million dollar investment in their new embassy, they will have an ambassador shortly.
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