Pintard rallies Grand Bahama FNMs promising victory in the next elections

FREE National Movement Leader Michael Pintard.

FREE National Movement Leader Michael Pintard.


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard rallied Grand Bahama supporters during an eastern zone meeting on Friday.

“I do not doubt in my mind we will be the government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas,” he proclaimed during a meeting at the Christ the King Church Hall.

Supporters packed the hall to hear Mr Pintard, who spoke along with deputy leader Shanendon Cartwright, East Grand Bahama MP Kwasi Thompson, Central Grand Bahama Iram Lewis, Travis Robinson, Jasmine Dareus-Turner, Welbourne Bootle, and deputy chair Heather Hunt.

Mr Pintard accused Prime Minister Philip Davis of ignoring the alleged wrongdoings of MPs in his Cabinet.

“Tonight, we are asking you to step up and be brave,” he said.

He said the Minister of Grand Bahama, Ginger Moxey, has failed to resolve issues affecting Grand Bahama residents.

“The residents of Pineridge gave the present MP and minister an opportunity to serve with distinction,” he said. “Instead, it has somehow degenerated into a series of photo opportunities.”

“We have a problem when there are ten issues on the table with companies, and you cannot get a minister to go in that meeting and on their own without some other minister coming from Nassau to hold their hand in the discussion and solve at least five or six of those problems,” he said.

Mr Pintard said Grand Bahama residents continue to be affected by delays in food and rental assistance.

He also said insufficient resources are allocated for shelters for vulnerable people, including displaced women and children. He contrasted this with the amount of money the government spends on trips and settlements.

“The FNM’s worst year of managing Hurricane Dorian relief is better than the best year under the PLP,” he said.


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