EDITORIAL: FNM falls back into internal strife

THE infighting at the FNM has spilled into public view.

First, there was the seeming rift between former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis and his successor as FNM leader, Michael Pintard.

There were discussions about whether or not Dr Minnis was allowed to speak to members at events, and the optics of Tuesday night were clear – with the leader speaking at one event and the former leader at another.

In today’s Tribune, we report that an injunction has been granted, restraining Mr Pintard and party chairman Dr Duane Sands from prohibiting and interfering with Richard Johnson in his duties as vice chairman.

Amid talks of Dr Minnis being silenced from speaking at constituency events, Dr Sands said yesterday there was no stifling of speech taking place. He said: “We welcome any and all persons who wish to speak on behalf of the Free National Movement to do so by expressing the vision and ideas of the Free National Movement so that we don’t confuse the public.”

Ructions in the FNM are nothing new, of course. Dr Minnis was no stranger to challenges himself – with the Rebel Seven seeking to oust him only for him to retain party leadership and win the election to become Prime Minister.

His term as leader saw other apparent falling outs – parting with Dr Sands as his Minister of Health at the height of the pandemic.

Then came Dr Minnis’ biggest loss of support – when the electorate roundly voted his party out of office, choosing the PLP instead.

Mr Pintard took up the role of party leader, but still there seems no unity in the FNM ranks.

The biggest outcome of this of course is that it hinders the FNM in putting pressure on the government in office.

The role of the Opposition, no matter which party it may be, is to serve as a check to the party in office – to ask questions in the public’s name, to press for answers and to hold the government to account.

While internal disputes occupy the time instead, it puts the government under less pressure – at a time when issues such as marital rape legislation, marijuana legislation, taxation, immigration, granting of Crown land and more need the spotlight.

In short, the FNM’s quarrels may be an internal issue, but they ill serve the public purpose.

This far from another general election too, is there any likelihood of the FNM finding its way to unity before it asks the people for another chance in office?

If the leader then is Dr Minnis, will they repeat the landslide they voted him out with last time?

There are many issues facing the FNM – but perhaps the most important for them is that if they fail to demonstrate they can be an effective opposition then they will give no one any belief they can be an effective government.

It is long past time the FNM resolved its internal strife, but it does not look like peace will be breaking out any time soon.


mandela 1 year, 7 months ago

Here is a party that wants to lead the Bahamian people but yet can't lead their own party.

birdiestrachan 1 year, 7 months ago

Truth be told Mr Pintard and doc Minnis are just alike they would do or say anything for power masterful liars six of one half dozen of the other not good for the Bahamas and its people this is the same Hubert who told the other Hubert his time was up, why is sitting so close to Pintard when there is bad blood spilling over where is their PAPA?.

TalRussell 1 year, 7 months ago

Ah, it is estimated an overwhelming number (98%) of 'eligible to vote' Bahamians --- Do not belong to a political party on a year-to-year basis. --- Opens goldmine to 'non-party affiliated and independents, --- We forgot that 'Independents' --- 'Ruled as the colony's Government 'until 1956' --- When the conchy Joes' Bay Street Boys' --- 'Christian Democratic Party' came about, --- Yes?

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