Pintard believes leadership is an entitlement

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I read the letter in one of the dailies last week entitled, "Pintard's dictatorial approach to Minnis."

Let me say at the outset that I am deeply concerned that Pintard seems to be of the view that when he was running for Leader of the FNM — it was a privilege to lead, but having been elected as Leader, for about 18 months — it is now, an entitlement to lead.

Being elected Leader, Deputy Leader or Chairman of a political organisation gives you the — opportunity - to demonstrate in a meaningful way, especially in Opposition, that you are up to the job, that "you ready", as we say and possibly, well suited, (not perfect), to lead our Nation.

The very last thing, one would have thought is that a newly elected leader of the FNM, for the first time, unproven and without a track record in the post and being in the post for such a short time, 18 months, would have exhibited such extreme dictatorial traits.

Dictatorial traits by any leader of a political organisation eventually, by its very nature, creates, encourages and unquestionably fuels discontentment resulting in deep divisions in a party.

Ironically, it was Pintard's theme of his campaign in November, 2021 that he could and would unite all factions of the FNM, as he then appreciated, they existed. That is what he said. And, on the day of his election he rightly spoke about the need to heal, healing and uniting the party. Those were his words.

Given where we are today, it is dumbfounding, that at the time he even spoke publicly about reaching-out to Loretta Butler-Turner, former party Deputy Leader and Leader of the Official Opposition for the party. By the way, someone who now enjoys not one but two consultancies (I do not begrudge her), while his current dictatorial traits create deep divisions in the party and could not be more disuniting.

It is sad that Pintard given the great opportunity to truly do what he could, in the best possible way to - as he stated in November, 2021 - offer and bring healing balm to the party, has failed so miserably and spectacularly in that.

It is questionable whether Pintard, as Leader, has done more to send people — in the party - to the sidelines of the organisation, to alienate some, ostracise some, not include some and perhaps, not even communicate with some.

Most disturbingly, Pintard believes, especially after being elected, it appears that leadership is an entitlement and not a privilege.


Troubled FNM


March 5, 2023.


themessenger 1 year, 6 months ago

Pintard is by no means perfect, however, since taking the reins of the FNM leadership he has been burdened by the asp in his bosom, Minnis. At every turn in the road, he has met Minnis waiting to trip him or undermine him in any way possible. This also smacks of arrogance and dictatorial tendencies on Minnis' part. Minnis obviously still believes, in his own mind at least, that he is still the more popular of the two despite the very clear message sent by the FNM supporters in his thrashing during the last election. Pintard needs to ignore the distraction of Minnis and get on with the job he was elected to do, lead the opposition. If the FNM delegates choose to ignore the voice of the electorate by electing Minnis as leader again so be it, the chips will fall where they will.

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