Bahamas Red Cross Society looking ahead to 79th annual fair


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Bahamas Red Cross Society is on the road to celebrate its 79th annual Red Cross Fair, and the organisation is encouraging the public to support the cultural event.

Terez Curry, Bahamas Red Cross president, on Friday announced the fair’s theme this year is “Let’s Celebrate”, adding it highlights The Bahamas coming near to its 50th anniversary of independence.

The fair will be held on April 29-30 at Arawak Cay’s Fish Fry Heritage Site, West Bay Street.

Ms Curry said the organisation hopes to raise $150,000 this year to aid in preparing for hurricane season which runs from June 1 through November 30.

“As you know, hurricane season is approaching, and as we prepare for that season in making sure all our Family Islands are ready they have the supplies they would need should something pass across their islands. This fair helps to furnish their needs so that we can make sure the country is covered,” Ms Curry said.

The fair will be a “family-orientated” event that will showcase Bahamian artists and “everything Bahamian”. Local food vendors will serve a variety of dishes and native cuisine.

Alicia Pinder, director general of the Bahamas Red Cross Society, highlighted the three-year hiatus of the fair due to the pandemic.

Ms Pinder said: “There are some things that we are still trying to catch up from because of the past years when there were no fundraisers or very little fundraising. And, of course, we want to catch up on the past and maintain regular obligations.

"So, this is why this fair is so important. We're super excited because we can celebrate the country in its 50th anniversary. And we can allow a cultural experience that will coincide with everything Bahamian.”

The organisation held the Red Cross Ball in January, however, despite the event being a success, Ms Curry explained other fundraisers are still needed to meet the operational needs of the organisation.

“Yes, we just had our annual ball and that did well, but that takes us only so far. And so, we have to continue to fundraise,” Ms Curry said.

The organisation also hopes the fair will allow them to further initiatives in backyard farming, education on climate change, and post-pandemic health.


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