Bigamist sentenced to one year of prison


Tribune Court Reporter


A MAN was sentenced to a year in prison yesterday after he admitted to charges of entering into a fraudulent marriage while he was still legally married to someone else.

Lavardo Ferguson, 36, faced Senior Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans on charges of fictitious marriage and two counts of false declaration for a marriage.

On March 10, 2022, in New Providence, Ferguson went through with a marriage ceremony with Christina Dunkley knowing it to be void on the grounds that he was still legally married to Raquel Brown.

Ferguson is further said to have made false statements for the purpose of his second marriage by stating that he was a bachelor on February 2, 2022, and March 10, 2022.

In court, the defendant pleaded guilty to all three charges. Ferguson then explained to the magistrate that Ms Dunkley only became aware of his first marriage on March 13 of this year as the couple made inquiries at NIB shortly before his arrest.

The defendant went on to say that he signed divorce papers given to him by Ms Brown in 2012 one year after they were married. He further said he has not had contact with his first wife since then, but never received his official copy of the divorce papers. he told the court he believed his divorce was finalised to which the magistrate pointed out he had failed to put that he was divorced on official documents pertaining to the second marriage.

It was then noted by the prosecution that in addition to Ferguson having a prior stealing conviction from 2002, that both women he married are Jamaican nationals. He also claimed that Ms Brown applied for residency through him without his knowledge.

Magistrate Vogt-Evans told the accused that she did not believe it when he said he did not know he was still married. Taking into consideration his early plea of guilt, his employment as a security guard at The Nassau Guardian and his age, the magistrate sentenced Ferguson to one year in prison for this offence.

In addition to stating that she wanted to send a clear statement against such offences, Magistrate Vogt- Evans said the reason for her sentencing was for breach of the sacrament of marriage. She also stated that marriage has been used to circumnavigate immigration protocols.

Ferguson was informed of his right to appeal sentencing within seven days.

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