Six pit bull attack ends with two euthanised


Jewel Edwards, director of COLLAB ( centre), meets with various stakeholders on Grand Bahama to discuss short and long-term solutions to the animal issues on Grand Bahama following a recent vicious attack in Grand Bahama. Ms Edwards is seen with representatives of the Humane Society of Grand Bahama, Joseph Darville and Tip Burrows, executive director.


Tribune Freeport Reporter


TWO pit bulls will be euthanised after attacking a woman, leaving her hospitalised with severe injuries.

Animal Control Services has authorised the Humane Society of Grand Bahama to euthanise the dogs.

Following the attack, stakeholders met Tuesday to discuss solutions to various animal-related issues in Grand Bahama.  

The two dogs, described as large, cross-bred pit bulls weighing 90-100lb, were among six pit bulls that attacked a woman and a man walking on Balao Road shortly after 8am on Friday, according to police.

 Elliot Hepburn, a 63-year-old Freeport man, has been charged with two counts of allowing a dangerous dog to be at large, two counts of having an unlicensed dog, one count of negligently causing harm and one count of negligently causing grievous harm.   

 He pleaded not guilty to the charges. His case was adjourned to June 19, 2023.


ExposedU2C 1 year, 11 months ago

Every pit pull in The Bahamas should be put down (blue juiced).

DWW 1 year, 11 months ago

no, every owner of a dog who commits these crimes is punishable according to the law. assault and battery with a weapon is 5 years in fox hill I believe but I could be wrong. The animal is a product of its environment (i.e. dog fighting)

BMW 1 year, 11 months ago

I hope the owner of these pit bulls is held responsible for all of the medical expenses and mental trauma that he is responsible for. But knowing how it goes in this country...............

DWW 1 year, 11 months ago

plus jail time as deterent to callous, heartless and lazy dog owners.

BMW 1 year, 11 months ago

I thought this breed of dog was banned years ago? But knowing how it goes in this country........

empathy 1 year, 11 months ago

…it’s the huMAN, not the dogs per say. If you’re going to have dogs that can cause these types of injuries you should be responsible to have your yard ‘fenced’, your dogs (and owner) trained and your pet placed on a leash when outside at all times…the authorities should have the same level of enforcement as they do for traffic related violations; no wait that’s really just a taxation scheme isn’t it?!🤔

JackArawak 1 year, 11 months ago

behind every pitbull there's a small penis.

birdiestrachan 1 year, 11 months ago

I can only imagine their horror , I am afraid of being attacked by one dog,

pablojay 1 year, 11 months ago

Until the laws pertaining to dogs not being confined to their owners' premises or being secured on a leash when in public are taken seriously by owners and enforcers of the laws,this incident will be constantly repeated.

JokeyJack 1 year, 11 months ago

This 63 year old should get life in prison and ALL pitbull owners in the Bahamas should be given 3 months to get rid of their dogs or face 6 months in prison and the dog euthanized.

A young girl in abaco has scars on her face she has to live with for life.

These people are just sick. They really should be euthanized with their dogs.

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