Jury finds man guilty on charge of causing harm, not attempted murder


Tribune Staff Reporter


A JURY yesterday found Joseph Dickenson guilty of causing harm but not guilty of attempted murder.

In 2021, the Court of Appeal quashed Dickenson’s 28-year sentence after he allegedly shot Reginald Mackey multiple times at close range in 2015.

The Court of Appeal ordered his case to be retried. Appellate judges noted that relevant knowledge of the victim and his father’s past convictions was withheld during the trial.

During the retrial, the victim and his father testified about the incident, with Mackey’s father saying he witnessed it.

Dickenson claimed he was not in the area at the time of the alleged incident and outlined the criminal history of both the victim and his father as a reason they framed him for the shooting.

A nine-person jury unanimously found Dickenson not guilty of attempted murder. However, they found him guilty of the lesser charge of causing dangerous harm in an eight-to-one verdict.

The accused appeared both relieved and disappointed as the verdict was read.

Supreme Court Justice Archer Minns ordered that Dickenson be sent to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.

Before being taken into remand, Dickinson’s lawyer requested that a probation report be ordered and informed the court of their intention to appeal Dickenson’s conviction.

Marianne Cadet represented Joseph Dickenson.

Sentencing proceedings are set to begin on June 14.

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