Our judges are following the law

EDITOR, The Tribune,

I have never been a fan of the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and his recent remarks concerning Bahamian judges did nothing to change my opinion of him.

Based on obviously erroneous information, he questioned whether Honourable members of our judiciary lived on Mars because they granted bail to persons accused of murder.

Thankfully our Attorney General and a member of the Bar, Bjorn Ferguson, set the record straight and pointed out to the Prime Minister that our judges were doing what they swore to do follow the law without fear or favour.

It can be argued that a group of elderly judges sitting in London are not sufficiently aware of serious and challenging circumstances existing in our country which militate against granting bail in certain circumstances.

And that the time may have come when we need a final court which is more in tune with circumstances in our country. Something to think about.

On another matter I found it unfortunate that an allegation of rape made recently has taken a political turn. The matter has been reported. Let the police do its investigation.

It does not help to have a group of persons of a particular political stripe take Centre stage in discussing the matter. We begin to question motives; do they really care that this woman has allegedly been abused or are they interested in scoring. Political points?



April 19, 2023.


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