Power of the pen and democracy

EDITOR, The Tribune.

With your kind permission I wish to offer an opinion on the power of the pen and the expression of democracy. Having written letters to The Editor since the age of 18, which was more than a few years ago, I have always enjoyed and appreciated the democratic freedom I possess while I express my opinion via the pen. I believe every human being in this country ought to have the right to express their opinion. And when that individual is prevented from the expression of an opinion, then Houston we have a problem.

I believe, especially former Prime Ministers, church leaders, former politicians, the man and woman on the street, wives of former and present Prime Ministers, ought to offer an opinion to help and move the country forward. It is ignorant and unfair to suggest that former Prime Ministers Ingraham, Christie and Minnis ought to go off into the sunset. What utter rubbish! I, like former attorney general Allyson Maynard-Gibson and attorney Jeannie Thompson, among hundreds of other letter writers, have expressed their opinions via the pen.

In some countries Prime Ministers give lectures, write books, offer advice to governments and act as consultants. I believe it is foolishness for some to suggest that our former Prime Ministers ‘ought to go rest they sef’. It is premature and rather ignorant to not utilise the wisdom of these men and women.

Former government leaders and professionals ought to get more involved in Think-Tanks. Can you imagine an Ingraham, Christie and Minnis think-tank? That vast amount of education, knowledge and experience in one room offering advice and guidance on the way forward.

We need to get to the point of being self-less, objective, non-petty, and set aside our differences for the advancement of the country. I have the step forward and founded two think tanks: a) Centre for Real Estate Policy and b) Centre for Economic and Social Equality. These two I anticipate will enhance the discussion and to address Real Estate, economic and social issues in our country.

We ought to be hearing more from the University of the Bahamas. The economic, political and social department. What are the opinions of the professionals on local politics? The economic? The social issues? More voices need to open up.

We ought to be offering solutions to our nation’s challenges. It’s not all about us. It’s about the next generation and the one after.

In conclusion, I wish to encourage more persons to express an opinion through the pen. And to the former Prime Ministers, think about the Think-Tank idea.



November 8, 2023.


themessenger 1 year, 4 months ago

We are already living in the aftermath of the Ingraham, Christie, Minnis think tank. That experiment tanked, enough said!

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