‘Mother’ Pratt expected to return from leave soon as Darling fills in


Tribune Staff Reporter


Government House has announced that Governor-General Cynthia “Mother” Pratt is on leave and is expected to return to her duty soon.

This announcement comes after incorrect posts circulated on social media saying Mrs Pratt had been admitted to the hospital in the United States.

“It was today announced from Government House that Her Excellency The Most Honourable Cynthia A. Pratt, Governor-General is on leave and is currently in The Bahamas,” the Office of the Governor General said in a press statement on Tuesday.

“It is anticipated that she will return to duty shortly. During Her Excellency’s leave, Ms Ruby Ann Darling was appointed as Deputy to the Governor-General.”

In September, Cynthia “Mother” Pratt was sworn in as the 12th Governor General of The Bahamas as she spoke of the need to “support the weak, and lift up the fallen”.

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