Tributes after shock death of QC head boy

A PHOTO from Facebook of Dario Rahming and his father.

A PHOTO from Facebook of Dario Rahming and his father.


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE death of Queen’s College head boy Dario Rahming on Saturday sent shockwaves through the school’s community.

The circumstances and cause of his death are unclear, but Dario - known as DJ to his schoolmates - collapsed during basketball practice. 

“He was an extraordinary young man and our hearts are broken,” the school posted to Facebook on Saturday. “We ask for your prayers for his family, friends, classmates and the entire Queen’s College community. We say that when one Comet shines, we all shine. But today, one of our Comets has fallen, so we fall as well.”

The school’s principal, Henry Knowles, told ZNS the student was on campus and collapsed.

He said the school followed proper protocols, adding that staff are trained to provide emergency CPR.

He said: “One of our nurses was on campus, she was outside with a sports event and she was able to be right there in place, she came and rushed to the clinic. 

 “The ambulances were called. They came in record time, and until then, we were doing everything we could on our side,” he said, calling the tragedy “a very hard moment”.

 “He’s our head boy and last week, I think it was, we did an installation of him and all our senior leaders. I can say when he came on stage to get his tie pinned on him, the entire school went nuts. Everybody absolutely loves him. He’s an extraordinary young man. You can put him in front as a poster of what we want the young men of the nation to be, and we’re all so heartbroken because of it.

 “He’s smart. He’s a devout Christian. He preaches.

 “He’s not a selfish young man. He’s well spoken. He’s humble. He’s very mannerly, and he’s caring.”

 He added: “This is a very hard moment for all of us and we’re praying for the family, you know, we’re praying for the entire staff and the Queen’s College community.”

 Across communities in The Bahamas, the death sent shockwaves - with churches holding prayers for Dario and his family. Meanwhile, numerous posts were made on social media sending condolences or offering prayers. 

 A fellow student said he felt sad when he heard about the death. He said it was “definitely a shock - unexpected, unforeseen”. He said: “Dario was amazing. Everyone loved him, everyone appreciated him - he was head boy. His mother was a teacher at the school.”

 The student added: “It’s definitely going to be a different sense in the air at school. The atmosphere is going to change. I remember him on the stage when he was getting installed as head boy and everyone was cheering for him. He will definitely be missed.”

 A parent spoke to The Tribune yesterday, saying: “It’s definitely a tragedy. It was really unexpected. I hope that the school will give parents more answers about what happened. I just really feel for his class, it’s a horrible thing to happen in their senior year. I really feel for his mother and his siblings and my heart goes out to them. As a parent, I just can’t imagine what they must be feeling. I hope they will provide the students with the support they need to overcome this tragedy.”


LastManStanding 1 year, 3 months ago

Asking on behalf of everyone (we are all thinking the same thing) : was he "vaccinated"?

quavaduff 1 year, 3 months ago

stop with the ignorance at a time like this. how many Bahamians have died following your ignorant advice against science? at least hundreds....

Topdude 1 year, 3 months ago

What is ignorant about the question? Pray tell.

LastManStanding 1 year, 3 months ago

So I take that as a yes then?

What advice? I just asked a simple question. He is not the first young person to die under these circumstances (even in our tiny country) in recent times, there is a clear pattern established that is worth investigating. Might be the waccine, might not, certainly can't hurt looking into it.

As a somewhat related addendum, I'm still waiting on the winter of death to hit any day now. According to "the science" (not actual science and data), I was supposed to die off a couple years ago for not taking the waccine. Still alive and kicking, waiting to die of COVID any day now. Another winter coming up, maybe they just didn't specify which one they meant?

rosiepi 1 year, 3 months ago

Who are the ignorant ‘we’ you speak of? Surely not those who watched their loved ones sickened with Covid, who watch them now as they still struggle to recover. And surely not those who agitated in vain for a hospital bed, a flight to Nassau, who recruited their relatives, their doctor, their boss to find a US bed, a helicopter and a miracle drug to save a beloved. The numbers then dwindle to a rabidity few.

We know the lack of a vaccine in most cases foretold the outcome. So take your pestilence of lies, innuendos and fear mongering and be gone before you kill another fellow countryman, woman and their beloved.

And tho one easily sense your scientific limitations, there were 4 deaths out of one million vaccines (out of 500k in the US) that caused deaths from Thrombosis and all of these were within 10 days of vaccination, most related to the J&J vax, which has been ot of date since 03/2023.

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