No answer from PM to reporters

REPORTERS were encouraged to save questions about local issues until they spoke to Prime Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis on the sidelines after the press conference, but when that time came, the interaction was unfruitful.
Photo: Moise Amisial

REPORTERS were encouraged to save questions about local issues until they spoke to Prime Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis on the sidelines after the press conference, but when that time came, the interaction was unfruitful. Photo: Moise Amisial


Tribune Staff Reporter


DAYS after the Office of the Prime Minister announced that it would hold more comprehensive weekly press briefings, protocol officers hurried Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis away from reporters after he was asked about a purported shake-up at the Department of Immigration.

Mr Davis had participated in a press conference with Botswana President Dr Mokgweetsi EK Masisi at the end of the leader’s state visit to this country.

Reporters were encouraged to save questions about local issues until they spoke to Mr Davis on the sidelines after the press conference, but when that time came, the interaction was unfruitful. 

Mr Davis’ brief engagement with the press on the sidelines came after press secretary Keishla Adderley said there would be no Thursday press conference at the Office of the Prime Minister –– likely because of the prime minister’s event with President Mokgweetsi at Margaritaville at The Pointe.

Asked about the Bahamas Electrical Workers Union (BEWU) getting a strike certificate this week, Mr Davis referred reporters to JoBeth Colbey-Davis, the new minister responsible for BPL.

“The minister is here,” he said, pointing to Mrs Coleby-Davis, who stood beside him. “The minister is looking into those issues, and I’m sure that she would be able to respond to you. She’ll be speaking to them tomorrow and she’s mandated to ensure that industrial peace and harmony exists at BPL, and I’m sure she’ll be able to deliver that.” 

Asked about the purported shake-up at the Department of Immigration, Mr Davis walked away and his protocol officers blocked reporters from him.

The Nassau Guardian recently reported that acting Immigration Director Keturah Ferguson will be put on leave. The expected move, which critics say is victimisation, came after leaks highlighted concerns top immigration officials had about political interference in their work.    On Monday, OPM announced that Cabinet briefings will be discontinued.

 “Cabinet briefing and the Office of the Prime Minister press briefing will be combined into a single, more comprehensive weekly briefing event to promote efficiency,” OPM said.


Sickened 1 year, 5 months ago

The most Disgusting Government Of All Time.

ExposedU2C 1 year, 5 months ago

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