Former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis speaks in the House of Assembly on April 3, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer
• Former leader does not support one-day convention
• Bannister says planned FNM event is a ‘farce’
Tribune News Editor
FORMER Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis does not support his party’s decision to host a one-day convention in June, saying this does not give the Free National Movement enough time to showcase its talent and policies.
Former Deputy Prime Minister Desmond Bannister went further, calling the planned one-day convention a “farce”.
Mr Bannister said if Dr Minnis runs for leader, he will be “on the frontline” to support him.
Dr Minnis, however, has not confirmed his plans.
"I'm in discussions now with friends, colleagues and others as to the way forward, and at the appropriate time, you and the entire nation would know," he said yesterday.
The FNM's current leadership team, leader Michael Pintard, deputy leader Shanendon Cartwright and chairman Dr Duane Sands, all intend to defend their current positions when the party hosts its convention on June 1.
According to an FNM memorandum on the convention, each constituency association must submit the names of ten delegates by May 22. Nomination for party positions will open on April 29 and will close on May 3. There will be no nominations on the convention floor.
Mr Pintard has suggested that when the leadership issues are settled at the June convention, a later convention will showcase the party's talent and agenda.
"I'm not in favour of a one-day convention, but democratically, I accept the decision," Dr Minnis said yesterday.
"Convention is a time when the party will showcase its talent whom they are putting forward and recommending to be the future leaders of this country. It's also a time when you showcase and demonstrate your policies and programmes and a time to convince the Bahamian populace that you are the better grouping or the better party to take the country forward.
"One day is almost impossible to do that, so I would have a great challenge with that and I think the party should have utilised that time, national TV, etc, that was a great opportunity to show the Bahamian people and demonstrate why the FNM is a better party and talk about the high cost of living that the public is experiencing, talk about the high electricity bill, talk about the crime crisis, the health crisis. I've never seen the health sector this worse in my life."
Mr Bannister, who said he has not considered vying for a position, said a one-day convention docs not align with the purpose of a convention.
"The purpose of a convention is to share with the country the programmes and initiatives the political party stands on," he said. "It also serves the function of letting the country know who your up-and-coming candidates are. It also gives a guy from Acklins, Andros, Eleuthera, the chance to sit with the guy from Grand Bahama and South Beach; FNMs from all of the country to get together. This one-day convention is a farce because it does not allow those things to happen."
John 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Well According to Pintard, this will be the last and only opportunity for persons wanting to join the FNM team to do so before the next election. Obviously the short notice gives the Minnis ‘Dream Team’ little time to prepare and to garner support. BUT with talks of an early election ( next year). Everyone on the clock.
moncurcool 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Please stay away. Your era is over.
realfreethinker 9 months, 3 weeks ago
You have to beat and embarrass these leaders into retirement
stillwaters 9 months, 3 weeks ago
It's difficult for them, once they get a taste of power
bahamianson 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Well, history may repeat itself. Perry christie was called vomit , chrisyie because came back. He went on to be leader of the plp and PM. So, anything is possible.
moncurcool 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Hopefully people learn from history not to repeat it. Christie was worst the second time. However, he was still leader of his party. He never left after he lost the election the first time.
Minnis will be trying to become leader of his party, and hopefully FNMs will be smart enough to not even let him see the victory circle for party leader.
Minnis needs to retire and be a statesman, and give counsel.
DWW 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Too true, too true and Minnis was a prime example of head swelling
AnObserver 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Please don't. We've had enough of your mismanagement style.
stillwaters 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Why.....why....why would he think Bahamians want him back?
ExposedU2C 9 months, 3 weeks ago
This arrogant, nasty, evil and cruel monster has absolutely no shame or remorse for the thousands of people in our country who lost their lives as a result of his gross incompetence and tyrannical decisions made during the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Dorian and during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Minnis has more blood on his hands than any other Bahamian in the history of our country and exhibits all the symptoms of a seriously bi-polared demon who may as well have satanic horns protruding from his head.
sheeprunner12 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Can you imagine if Davis & Cooper were in power during Covid19 & Dorian????
I shudder to imagine the tens of thousands (each) who would have died.
But, we allowed collective stupidity to get the better of 242 and went after shiny new objects (Blueprint for Change) and the "sweet nothings" of the New Day PLP politicians, rather than evaluate the practical truth and common sense of the Minnis-led FNM in 2021.
Look where that 2021 decision got this country three years later ..........
ExposedU2C 9 months, 2 weeks ago
The very cruel, evil and nasty Minnis was the most senselessly power crazed and tyrannically authoritarian PM our country has ever had. God forbid the people of our nation ever again have another monstrously wicked and demonic PM like him.
DWW 9 months, 3 weeks ago
The irony after that convention with LBT is just oozing around in flocks
Economist 9 months, 3 weeks ago
His only claim to fame is having been the WORST Prime Minister this country has ever had.
realfreethinker 9 months, 3 weeks ago
The jury is still out on Brave and Perry
SP 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Lol.....Minnis needs to "RUN AWAY" and take Brave, Christie, and Ingraham with him!
sheeprunner12 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Y'all who calling Dr. Minnis the "worst PM" are really living in a dream world.
Don't you see what the New Day crew is doing to this country????
Pintard is only Ingraham's puppet to give Davis a second term. Minnis is the only real FNM left to move the party forward.
But, if that's what y'all want, go vote for Brave Lite (Pintard).
Topdude 9 months, 3 weeks ago
It is so difficult to understand why some people can emerge from the trenches of hate, jealousy and envy to talk bad about someone who has done so much for this country? This is sad. Please come back Dr. Minnnis. The nation needs you. Please do not let these political miscreants attempt to psyche you out of the position you are entitled to and deserve.
ExposedU2C 9 months, 2 weeks ago
You mean you need him. The rest of us would rather have anyone but him, and for good reason.
hrysippus 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Many years ago a corruption smeared cabinet decided to give their leader a very very generous pension, which his spouse would inherit upon his death, to encourage him to retire so that the country could move forward. We, the tax payers, have been saddled with it ever since. But, it only applies if the Prime minister serves two terms in office. And this is why the Rt. Hon. Dr. H. Minnis has no choice but to try and become the Prime Minister again. Why is the truth not taught in inour schools? Is it because the teachers don't actually know it?
John 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Hubert Ingraham has been running the FNM from his rocking chair from over a decade. After the election, which was a poor decision by Hubert Minnis to call early, he , along with Duane Sands and others, unceremoniously stripped, and mostly for personal reasons, stripped Hubert Minnis of ALL his powers, titles and posts in the FNM. Duane Sands even went as far as to challenge and try move Minnis from his Delaporte seat. As time passed, it became patently clear that even though Bahamians were mad ( and disappointed) in Minnis because of how he handled the pandemic, he was still popular with the people. Not only that, but doubts started to be raised about Michael Pintard. Was he ready, experienced and qualified enough to lead the party into an election and win? It is a faction of the FNM that is calling for Minnis to return and lead the party into an election that may be as early as next year. Government is touting a booming economy, and it is for some. But over 30 percent of Bahamian households are struggling to put food on their table. Many local businesses that are not tourist oriented are a few months from closing their doors. And Bahamians do not trust the secrecy and uncertainty surrounding BPL. A law was hurriedly passed to give the police powers of ‘search and arrest’ only based on ‘suspicion’ . More powers than a judge had. Who is this law intended to be used against. And if thebFNM cannot win the next election, they surely must triple the number of seats they currently hold in the HOS.
jackbnimble 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Sadly, Minnis continues to delude himself into thinking he can lead this country again. He needs to take a hint from both Ingraham and Christie. A rejection at the polls sent them both packing and he needs to join them. The people have spoken.
bcitizen 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Please no. Put Brave, Ingraham, Christie back, I would even favour digging up Ping and do a weekend at Bernies.
ExposedU2C 9 months, 2 weeks ago
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