Halkitis: Govt working to combat crime

Economic Affairs Minister Michael Halkitis. (File photo)

Economic Affairs Minister Michael Halkitis. (File photo)


Tribune Staff Reporter


ECONOMIC Affairs Minister Michael Halkitis said government is working aggressively to counteract negative international reports about the country’s soaring murder rate and believes that its crime-fighting efforts will soon bear fruit.

“Unfortunately, over the years we have experienced some what are called spikes where we see January was a horrible month in terms of that and the government has done some things and police are doing some things,” he said during a press conference at the Office of The Prime Minister on Friday.

Mr Halkitis said the government’s message to tourists remains the same, adding: “We believe the Bahamas is still a safe place to visit.”

His comments came as police reported another shooting in the Nassau Village community that left a man in hospital. His condition is said to be stable.

Mr Halkitis said the government is working to combat crime so it doesn’t deter tourist arrivals.

“We would not like to see it get to the point where it becomes an issue or a big issue where people are making decisions as to where to vacation,” he added.

“And so definitely given the fact that … we see things on social media, we have to accelerate our sort of counteraction to make sure it does not get to the point where we see significant numbers of cancellations to the point where it begins to impact our industry.

“We do not want to get to that tipping point where once you get to a certain point, there’s no turning back and people start to use that as a factor in that decision. We don’t think it has gotten to that point, but we need to continue to make sure that it doesn’t.”

Twenty-five people have been killed in 2024, one of the deadliest starts to a year in the country’s history.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Leamond Deleveaux recently said the public should expect more aggressive policing and potential inconveniences in the days ahead.

“It may be inconveniencing for some motorists and some members of the public, but we will not rest until we address this crime issue,” he said on the sidelines of a Rotary Club of West Nassau meeting on Thursday.

“You’re gonna see a number of things. Many of those I cannot reveal to the public. I can tell you, I can assure you, the Bahamian people will be very pleased with the aggressive way we will police this country.”


TalRussell 7 months, 1 week ago

Honuorable, Comrade Minister Michael Halkitis. May I propose a RBPF Online Crime Reporting (OCR).---- A easy-to-use OCR website would give the popoulaces in Nassau, Grand Bahama and Out Islands an alternate way to report certain non-emergency crimes without calling the Policemans' or visiting a Policemans' Station.   Online crime reporting OCR is not meant to replace other forms of reporting crime. Always call the Policemans' directly in case of an emergency. --- At some point, Artificial intelligence (AI) will become the Crime solving Policemans' of the future. ---- Yes?

ohdrap4 7 months, 1 week ago

He is always at the ready when a problem cannot be solved.

bahamianson 7 months, 1 week ago

He doesn't solve a problem. His degree should assi se t in his decision making. Anyone can increase a tax on anything to find more money. You can be a waiter and suggest that. He needs to think and solve financial problems without increasing taxes , hence increasing the burden on the populace.

bahamianson 7 months, 1 week ago

Whenever halkitis speaks, you can bet an increase is coming somewhere.

ExposedU2C 7 months, 1 week ago

Few are more responsible for exacerbating the economic mess our country is in today than this educated arsehole. Halkitis truly believes government has the right to claim and spend as it sees fit every dollar we have in our bank account, wallet or pocket.

You will never hear this clown say government is much too big and much too wasteful. His motto is: DON'T TAX THE VERY WEALTHY, BUT EVERYONE ELSE RIGHT DOWN TO THEIR VERY LAST DOLLAR.

TalRussell 7 months, 1 week ago

You mustn't forget, Comrade Michael Halkitis is the colony's minister for doing kind of things economic related. --- Not responsible for policemans' doing law and order kind of things.. --- Yes?

birdiestrachan 7 months, 1 week ago

I am so proud of him , is a brilliant young man who has studied: and made himself worthy from Cat Island that island produced many smart people who can stand with any. One in the whole World, go into those homes man and women many not taking responsibility for their children it all starts in those homes the first church

TalRussell 7 months, 1 week ago

@ComradeBrdie, like the journey of Cat Island Son of the soil, my old pal - Comrade Sir Sidney Poitier.--- aboard a sailing sloop. --- To the Academy Awards stage. --- Yes?

bahamianson 7 months, 1 week ago

Werw da plan , do? You had a plan from day 1

TalRussell 7 months, 1 week ago

@ComradeBahamianson, I could have swore to All The Way, having kicked off under the culture of RedShirts' crime.--- Yes?

ThisIsOurs 7 months, 1 week ago

Here it is: "the government has done some things and police are doing some things"

Jetflt 7 months, 1 week ago

“We would not like to see it get to the point where it becomes an issue or a big issue where people are making decisions as to where to vacation,” he added.

Mr. Halkitis - as a Bahamian and someone that is in the travel industry, you may be surprised, or not, to know how frequently colleagues ask me "what's up with all the crime in Nassau." I have never seen news reports and people talking about crime in Nassau as I've seen over the past month. Not good!

John 7 months, 1 week ago

Do you know France, tge United Kingdom and Italy are amongst the country that have similar travel warnings to The Bahamas ? Did you know that a tourist was killed in a crowded part of New York City be a 25 y/o who shot her and police officers while fleeing a crime scene? Do you know that violent crime is one of the biggest challenges facing many governments and many countries around the world? Do you know that countries, like Tge Bahamas, must be wary and extremely careful who it takes crime fighting advice from and many ‘crime fighting strategies’ are actually assaults on the citizens with the intent of creating more hardship, anger and increases in crime. Do you know that before the 1979’s there was very little gun violence in Black communities across the United States and gangs weee nonexistent in The Bahamas and the Caribbean? Do you know that a certain US agency was accused of planting guns and ammunition in Black communities across the United States by Black leaders followed by distributing huge quantities of COCAINE to these areas in the 1980’s. And s similar COCAINE epidemic hit The Bahamas and the Caribbean around the same time? And did you know that whilst many Caribbean government officials were accused of involvement in this cocaine epidemic band many citizens arrested and jailed and some killed, there is documented evidence that this US agency was the mastermind and a great facilitator in this tragedy. And do you know high powered assault weapons went missing from another US agency around the same time similar weapons started appearing on the streets of The BaHAMAS and the Caribbean and practically every weapon found on the streets of these countries or used in crimes in these countries ALL come from one single country where they are manufactured with the strict intent of being black-marketed? Let’s keep crime fighting strategies a secret.

John 7 months, 1 week ago

And do you know at least two other countries are now being accused of being copy cars and flooding the streets of the US with the deadly fentanyl and causing thousands and thousands of deaths over the past few years? And that this highly potent and deadly fentanyl is said to be making its way to The Bahamas?Some forms of this drug is said to be so toxic, first responders have reportedly overdosed while rendering assistance to patients bthat had consumed the drug.

John 7 months, 1 week ago

And in other news: some are predicting a ‘split papacy’ after tge death of the current reigning Pope where a Papacy will be set up in another country. And the UK’s monarchy may also be rocked by disasters or discourse that may cause none of King Charle’s sons to ascend to the throne. And another Covid like pandemic in the second half of 2024? One that is even more contagious and deadly? Can the world’s population and economy tolerate another pandemic of even greater proportions? No, not my predictions, just the results if easy reading.

SP 7 months, 1 week ago

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, ECONOMIC Affairs Minister Michael Halkitis and his PLP monks are ducking and dodging too afraid to admit "their" excessively violent Haitian gangs are executing Bahamian gangs at an alarming pace and killing tourism too!

Brave, Fred, and Halkitis, need to stop talking stupid bullshyt and explain to the country how they plan to stop the turf drug war between Haitian and Bahamian gangs that is already sending shockwaves through our fragile tourism industry.

Where the hell is PLP chief tourism propagandist hotel boss Sands hiding with his totally asinine prediction less than two weeks ago that violent crime would have no affect on tourism? These political jackasses make stupid misleading statements then go deep into hiding when reality steps in proving they are full of bullshyt!

Sands needs to be a man for once and get in line behind Brave, Mitchell and Halkitis to get his medicine that we the people have for them.

We the people warned the PLP and FNM dumb clowns for decades that courting inherently violent Haitians would lead to them to duplicating in the Bahamas what they have done to Haiti! The chickens have now come home to roost.

Where is Brave, Mitchell, and Halkitis solution to public schools that are threatened daily by violent Haitian children terrorizing teachers and Bahamian students?

Brave talked a heap of steaming bullshyt about sending Bahamian troops to fight gangs in Haiti, but he can't figure out how to fight murdering Haitian gangs destroying our number one industry in broad daylight on our streets, and in our schools right here in Nassau!

John 7 months, 1 week ago

You think we get it bad Ay with the so called Haitian gangs. Boy jus wait!! Over 5,000 undocumented immigrants are crossing the US Southern Border and entering the United States. And not only are they from the Caribbean and Central and South America where they US dumped hundreds of the infamous blood thirsty MD-13 gang members but many are reportedly from countries that the US is currently at odds with. And yes, they are dispersing them all over the US and especially in Black and impoverished neighborhoods with the intention of displacing the regular residents of those neighborhoods and competing with them for jobs and economic opportunities and social services. A plan that will definitely backfire! The US has entered into some agreement with the Brave Divid government, who are definitely asleep at the wheel with their foots ( both of them) on the gas pedal and their brain stuck on stupid. This government has offered asylum to thousands of Haitians, mostly young men and regularised their status in The Bahamas. So now even if these Haitians chose to leave the Bahamas and sneak into the US, they do not qualify for refugee status because they already have asylum in The Bahamas. This is the US’s way of stemming the flow of Haitians to that country and overflowing them in this country. And what will be the long term effects?

TalRussell 7 months, 1 week ago

Be it resolved" --- If the push to outlaw [Gangs'] is successful ----Then what say the law about [Members Clubs], like the Kiwanis Clubs of The Colony of Out Islands, Cays, Towns and Settlements --- Yes?

John 7 months, 1 week ago

And the Proud Boys and the KKK and the CIA and The DEA and the DEU and the RBPF and the Defense Force and the PLP and COI and surely the FNM

DWW 7 months ago

Is now a good time to revisit Davis client nygard and Bobo and toady? A fox can put on a sheep costume. When we have a fox in the hen house there is only one outcome. The people out these joker in power and are warning their just rewards. On another note if we remove the ECONOMIC motivation for gangs running black. Market drugs then you remove the the crime problem overnight but no one has the cahones to do it.

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