Residents prepare to sue two years after BPL leak


Tribune Business Reporter


Andros Chamber of Commerce president Darrin Bethel says residents of North Andros are preparing to take legal action after becoming “impatient” with clean-up efforts after a Bahamas Power and Light oil spill.

Darrin Bethel told Tribune Business residents are tired of the lack of effort being put into clean-up efforts from BPL’s oil spill that happened in January two years ago. He said the residents have seen no action and are becoming frustrated with the lack of concern.

Mr Bethel said: “They want to sue BPL but they are not moving on it very quickly. I told them this does not come before the chamber, and they would have to organise it among themselves.”

Despite the leak being reported two years ago, there is very little that can be seen with regard to the remediation of contamination. One resident, Daran Corporation Holdings, already has a lawsuit against the power company, alleging its property was contaminated with diesel following the spill. More residents are poised to follow suit.

Mr Bethel said he is encouraging “patience” with BPL and the process. He said: “I think sometimes you have to be a little patient. I think that BPL might get around to it. I think the residents could be a little more patient, but I guess to each his own and who feels it knows it.”

He added: “I do understand their frustration, but I don’t support the idea. Because it may make it more difficult that way when you take that approach and you will harden the government’s heart in a sense and you might not get anything.”

Meanwhile, residents have a real fear that groundwater in Nicholls Town has been contaminated with diesel, potentially harming the community’s health. Further prolonged exposure and its side effects are foremost on their minds.


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