EDITOR, The Tribune.
Many years ago when I was a student, I remember being very annoyed by a novel by Evelyn Waugh called “Black Mischief”. I was annoyed because I was of the opinion that the author used a fictional country to illustrate how he thought blacks misgoverned their countries.
Now, I am angry that 50 years after Independence my country is being run by politicians who seem to have been schooled by Black Mischief.
While the country’s infrastructure is falling apart, the social security network on which so many persons depend is going broke.
Persons are afraid to leave their homes because of crime, children are graduating from schools with little education, and health care is tenuous, the country has a government which thinks nothing of paying almost a quarter of a million dollars for a car for the Prime Minister. The leaders travel to the ends of the earth with Gussiemae delegations, contracts are given out without explanations, court cases are settled without the persons who are bearing the cost knowing how much is being paid and the make up of the Civil Service is changed without a thought for the consequences.
Meanwhile the populace is paying taxes and fees and watching standards of living dissipate … small wonder so many of our young people are not returning after studying abroad.
We should be better than this. Bahamians we deserve better and we should demand better. And remember we can control the situation and not just at election time.
March 20, 2024.
ImaNobody 10 months ago
Amen Jeanne! We contol the situation and not just by relying on someone else to make the change we must be.
Porcupine 10 months ago
Ms. Thompson,
You are completely correct in your assessment. We talk about Haiti, as if we are that far off from a similar situation here. Are we really? Isn't there a point that The People finally say "enough"? Can anyone look at the clownish activities in Parliament and say The People are being represented? The bottom line is that our leadership class has failed completely. And, we have failed to educate our people to hold these jokers in check. I think we have run out of time, quite frankly, Ms. Thompson.. The social and political changes needed will require a few generations, at best. The changes will require our people to become educated and to speak out. Speak out as one voice, as opposed to muttering under one's breath, as we do now. Sea levels are rising and it is very likely our children will be facing chaotic conditions in The Bahamas in the very near future. Personally, I don't think there is time to right the ship. Our "leaders" are not equipped, either intellectually or morally to look out for the country as a whole. There has been a culture of criminality in Bahamian government for too long. It has now permeated every facet of Bahamian life. This same administration is as bad as any other one. Dragging this country further into debt and shunning all moral considerations of their actions. Few are less qualified to lead this country than the administration now in power. The working class is beyond being squeezed. The average Bahamian is struggling to pay their outrageous bills, fees and taxes that this government has helped impose on its own people, while allowing the rich, both foreign and domestic, to have a free ride in running this country. These new boating regulations, passed by a group of clueless people in Parliament will further devastate the otherwise forgotten Family Islanders. Forget about the fact that we do not have reliable electricity, water, internet or health services, all the while Central Government says they want us to grow and prosper. Nassau speaks for itself with regard to the rapidly declining social conditions. Worse, our politicians seem to think things are fine and getting better. Or, so they say. Criminality is rampant among the political class and they seem to think they are untouchable.,And, so far, what is to prove them wrong? The police are only concerned with street crime. The police, because they are politically appointed, have neither the intellectual resources, nor the moral stature to go after the real criminals in this country. The police are bought and paid for by the political class. They do not work for The People. The real criminals in this country wear suits to work. The contract situation alone is dragging this country down. People who have no business getting contracts because of their shady past performance are still getting contracts today due to their party affiliation. We are all paying dearly for this sordid situation.
birdiestrachan 10 months ago
Ms Thompson and porcupine live in a world where there is no joy no peace no hope Mrs Thompson has put down her knitting because The Pm bought a new car it brings to mind the people who had to go to the privy council to get their land back but there is always hope for those who believe that with Jesus in the vessel we can smile in the storm it is not that bad could it be that they support the PIntard, I do not know
concernedcitizen 10 months ago
In 2023 we did the most tourist and FDI ever and still we will put another half billion on the debt , while the average person suffers every time the power goes off .The rich and foreign and Bahamian ARBNB owners all have generators .All the travelling by the politicians is toten U S out w out going through central bank ..Every day its a new scheme to get money out of the Treasury w bloated contracts to family , lovers and friend,,and both FNM and PLP do it .
Porcupine 10 months ago
Your last 4 words sum it up best, birdie.
birdiestrachan 10 months ago
Ms Thompson and porcupine live in a world where there is no joy no peace no hope Mrs Thompson has put down her knitting because The Pm bought a new car it brings to mind the people who had to go to the privy council to get their land back but there is always hope for those who believe that with Jesus in the vessel we can smile in the storm it is not that bad could it be that they support the PIntard, I do not know
birdiestrachan 10 months ago
Ms Thompson is red is she being racist does she believe the Bay Street boys were better and good government depends on skin color
concernedcitizen 10 months ago
I don,t know if the Bay street boys were better ,,but we had no debt , no vat and more reliable power
birdiestrachan 10 months ago
Mrs Thompson benito mussolini adlof Hitler and Trump are they all right with you because they were white.
GodSpeed 10 months ago
Former Prime Minister said to stop giving government contracts to crooks and wouldn't call names for fear of his life, if that doesn't tell you the country is doomed then nothing will really. Also they legalized the gambling operations of a bunch of criminals despite the risk to our #2 industry. Things were definitely better in the past, a man could find two jobs, now can't even find one. Does all that have to do with race? Not sure, seems even the US is heading down the toilet.
DiverBelow 9 months, 4 weeks ago
Time to determine "Enough is Enough & Demand Better". All this talk & complaining with no action towards solution is just Hot Air. While the world has Enough Hot Air, it lacks a plan for improvement. My father used to start the breakfast with a question "What are You doing today for the Good of Humanity?" Condense that to ... The Bahamas. DEMAND IMPROVEMENT In EVERYTHING, be it Service (be vocal, if not present solicit another location), be it Leadership (remind them their job is not secure without performance), be it Enforcement (ineffective without your cooperation). DEMAND BETTER. our population is small, therefore your persistence has more impact!!!
DiverBelow 9 months, 4 weeks ago
Political Elite have become a club of two self promoting blind parties, who duplicate the same script & repeating the same actions to keep themselves in control at the cost to all Bahamians. The real cost is in the DUMBING of Our Youth, ACCEPTANCE of White Collar Crime, FEAR of Street Crime, DISFUNCTION of Justice. Remember most of Political Elite are involved in legal or banking professionals (legitimate or otherwise). With this political structure, it's no wonder we attract the worlds questionable for a 3rd World mindset. British gave us good education and bloated oversized government employed. Take the good, eliminate the bad, not the reverse.
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