Skippings: ‘Bit too early’ to know if foul play involved in suspected Hamilton suicide

Destiny Hamilton, alleged suicide victim.

Destiny Hamilton, alleged suicide victim.


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE Superintendent Chrislyn Skippings said it is a “bit too early” to determine if foul play is suspected in the death of Destiny Hamilton, the 27-year-old found dead with a lacerated wrist.

Police believe the death was a suicide, but the relatives of Hamilton are not convinced.

Hamilton was found in a bathroom  in Guana Cay, Abaco, around 8.30am last Thursday.

Bennae Beneby-Pinder, 30, insisted on Sunday that her cousin would not kill herself. She said Hamilton resided in the United States and was visiting Abaco with her husband and a friend. 

Asked about possible foul play, CSP Skippings said: “We’re still gonna wait on the pathologist to do some work. We’re going to rely on that scientific evidence to assist us in our investigations and based on what she gives us, then it will lead us in the direction that we are to go as an organisation.

“You know, we don’t investigate into social media. They can say what they want to say, but, as a department, we rely on facts.”

Hamilton had more than 20,000 followers on Instagram and made posts about her lifestyle, luxury, and travel.


ThisIsOurs 4 months, 3 weeks ago

No idea what happened here but 3/4 suicides attempted suicides in 2 weeks for the Bahamas is a national crisis.

Its only through grace that any of us retain a strong mind. If life were to really throw the kitchen sink at us not many could battle and win. But I often wonder if these rash of suicides are the result of unrealistic expectations. Life is hard. It is a battle. I think our parents understood that because they didnt have Facebook and Instagram and tiktok, all they knew was they had to work. I get the sense that young people believe they should live the life of Riley or everything is useless, and really what we're here to do is build a work. There's nothing more fulfilling than executing good work, we're here to do a work. Do your best and dont believe the facebook filters they're the devil

TalRussell 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Comrades of all ages. --- I've observed over my long lifespan that sometimes it's the one who, by appearances, seems to have it all together that 'needs' to be hugged the most.---Yes?

mandela 4 months, 3 weeks ago

The police has no right to comment on the cause of any deaths until a pathologist has determined the cause of death. Sometimes their mouth piece is too fast and loose.

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