Attorney attacks credibility of Rashae Gibson’s testimony

Rashae Gibson outside court. Photo: Dante Carrer

Rashae Gibson outside court. Photo: Dante Carrer


Tribune Chief Reporter


A TOP defence attorney attacked the credibility of Rashae Gibson yesterday as testimony continued in the criminal trial of Long Island MP Adrian Gibson and others.

Damian Gomez, KC, claimed several times that Ms Gibson was being untruthful in her testimony and even suggested that she told prosecutors what they wanted to hear to get an immunity agreement.

However, Ms Gibson denied this and shot down other suggestions the defence put to her under cross-examination.

“That’s not true,” she replied when Mr Gomez suggested his client never said he wanted her to be a shareholder of Elite Maintenance, a company that was allegedly awarded WSC contracts when Mr Gibson was executive chairman.

“I put it to you that you never told Mr Gibson that you and Mrs (Alexandria) Mackey had started a bank account,” Mr Gomez asked, referring to Elite Maintenance.

However, the witness said that was a “lie”.

“I put it to you that Mr Adrian Gibson never spoke to you about going to Scotiabank to sign onto the bank account of Elite Maintenance,” Mr Gomez added. The witness disagreed.

She admitted that she and Mrs Mackey were the only signatories for Elite Maintenance’s bank account, but denied that she had kept Mr Gibson in the dark over the issue.

Mr Gomez also suggested that she was the one who had informed Mr Gibson about his ex-fianceé’s local and foreign business launches.

However, the witness denied this and also denied that she and Mrs Mackey had a “falling out” after allegedly discovering that Mrs Mackey was withdrawing funds from Elite Maintenance’s bank account for personal purposes.

“I had no knowledge of what she was doing. Adrian brought that to my attention. They had an argument and he asked me to close the account,” she testified.

Mr Gomez then asked if she agreed –– based on banking documents she had signed –– that Mr Gibson had no access to Elite Maintenance’s account.

The witness said she did not know if her cousin had access through his ex.

The attorney noted her earlier testimony, in which she said Mr Gibson and Mrs Mackey were estranged at the time Elite Maintenance’s account was closed.

“So how is he supposed to access the account?” Mr Gomez continued.

The witness said she did not know and that the two were estranged because Mr Gibson believed his ex was stealing money.

Mr Gibson is facing several charges concerning his tenure as WSC executive chairman under the Minnis administration.

The charges stem from Mr Gibson’s alleged failure to declare his interest in contracts awarded by the WSC.

The FNM politician is charged with Elwood Donaldson, Jr, former WSC’s general manager, Joan Knowles, Peaches Farquharson and Jerome Missick.

Damian Gomez, KC, Murrio Ducille, KC, Geoffrey Farquharson, Ian Cargill, Bryan Bastian, Ryan Eve, and Raphael Moxey represent the defendants.

The Crown’s lawyers are acting Director of Public Prosecutions Cordell Frazier, Cashena Thompson, Karine MacVean and Rashied Edgecombe.


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