OPM condemns verbal 'attack' by reporter

A screenshot of the altercation between Financial Secretary Simon Wilson and reporter Youri Kemp.

A screenshot of the altercation between Financial Secretary Simon Wilson and reporter Youri Kemp.


Tribune Digital Editor

Acting Press Secretary in The Office of Prime Minister Keishla Adderley has condemned what she described as a "personal attack" against a government official at the weekly press briefing today.

Financial Secretary Simon Wilson got into an argument with a reporter over his line of questioning, telling the reporter that "you called me a liar".

The altercation began while Mr Wilson was standing at the podium and deteriorated to the financial secretary being held back by Economic Affairs Minister Michael Halkitis as he got off the platform and continued berate the reporter, who was seated.

The reporter, Youri Kemp, began his question: "Last time you were here, you lied to us when we asked about JDL, in particular. You lied to the media."

Mr Wilson asked: "I lied?", to which Mr Kemp replied, "yeah you lied."

Mr Kemp was referring to the government's relationship with air freight management firm JDL and its contract to manage freight at Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA). Mr Kemp further defended his allegation by pointing to instances where financial reporting has been erroneous and further asked Mr Wilson why the budget communication should be trusted.

Mr Wilson said: "It's one thing to criticize the government for policies, but when you come and you use your perch in the media to make scandalous unfounded allegations, and think that you can get away with it. It don't go that way my friend."

Mr Wilson further debated Mr Kemp over the veracity of his claims before walking away from the podium and approaching Mr Kemp, telling him "I will walk out here and wait for you".

Following the incident, Ms Adderley called the exchange a 'personal attack' that crossed the line. She acknowledged journalists had a right to objectivity and explore different angles; however, she underscored the expectation for mutual respect.

She said: "I condemn in the strongest terms what happened here this morning. The intent was for the financial secretary to speak about or flesh out some of the issues discussed in the budget communication issued yesterday and I condemn in the strongest terms any attack.

Ms Adderley said: "As I said nothing like that has happened here before and I don't perceive it will happen again, but I do want to say going forward we would want members of the press speaking to whoever the guests are to exercise the same level of respect that comes from this podium or any member of the government when they speak on the issues affecting everyone in the country."


TalRussell 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Man-up, learnin' to do "The Two Duck It" as did Presdent George Bush.
Think I'll be writin' a Calypso song.---Yes?


Sickened 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Wilson sounds confused. The reporters error was that he didn't lead with the definition of liar. If he did that then Wilson would have fully understood and perhaps answered some questions. I blame Wilson's parents for not calling him out earlier in life.

birdiestrachan 9 months, 2 weeks ago

What news media does Kemp work for. He or she has made a name for themselves Kemp will not be called upon for questions. Respect is important. And all is due respect .

Dawes 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Thats right Birdie. Make sure the press only asks questions you like. Although i agree Mr. Kemps question and wording is not respectful, it is a question that should be asked (though in a different manner). Why should the press believe what is being said if a number of times it turns out to be wrong (either the person speaking misspoke or they lied). Of course it is more important that people speak in deferential tones then ask any questions which might be hard to answer.

newcitizen 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Such thin skin, 'oh my respect', get over yourselves

stillwaters 9 months, 2 weeks ago

What's wrong with saying that someone lied? If you lied, the lie was proven, reporters should call you out. We are so good and hiding everything that stinks in politics in this country. Most of us are sceptical about this sorry ass budget.

TalRussell 9 months, 2 weeks ago

'Tis that he is obligated to stand to push both real and false. --Yes?

ExposedU2C 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Truth be told, Simple Simon has outrightly told so many untruths to the press and public over the years that he fully deserves to be called out for what he truly is, i.e., nothing but a liar, and an ill-tempered one at that!

As a government official the bar is naturally higher for Simple Simon to behave with decorum and not lowly stoop to threatening or intimidating any member of the public, including any member of the free press who happens to be understandably frustrated by the countless well-documented instances in which Simple Simon has been caught telling bald-faced lies.

If Davis had a "real pair" as opposed to a "rat-sized pair" he would have long ago told thin-skinned Simple Simon to submit his resignation letter or, better still, sign up for a tour of duty in Haiti where he could unleash his pent-up violence in combatting violent gang members.

And The Tribune should be writing an official letter to the Office of The Prime Minister complaining of Simple Simon's unwarranted threatening behaviour towards one of its reporters and citing specific examples of the numerous occasions on which Simple Simon has outrightly lied to the free press and the public it represents.

ThisIsOurs 9 months, 2 weeks ago

I did not hear his statement today and I havent watched the video, but at some point I have to go back to compare todays statement to what he said previously about this 25m air freight, no-bid, contract to determine what was the basis for the "lied" accusation. Youri is one of the more experienced reporters, Id find it hard to believe he was just throwing around completely baseless allegations. I also noted that the FS saying he never "intentionally" misled the press.

The one irrefutable fact is, air freight handling is not anything to sneeze at. Its curious that this contract for such a security heavy sector would not be put out to bid to find a contractor experienced in setting up such systems. The questions I have about it, was the gaming boss previously in aviation? Is the gaming boss "the" contractor or has he subcontracted? And if he subcontracted why was it allowed as that automatically drives up the cost with someone being paid just for breathing. There are lots of questions to be asked about the procurement process.

mandela 9 months, 2 weeks ago

The press is there to report news not make accusations, whether Mr. Wilson lied or not it is not the reporter's job to accuse, but to report facts in such a way its readers would come to the truth. He should be fired or at the least be demoted.

AnObserver 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Umm. It is the job of the press to hold public figures accountable. They are a necessary part of the machine that is a nation. The second you say the press can't do this, can't do that, you are a failed state.

Porcupine 9 months, 2 weeks ago

At the least, a failed government.

ThisIsOurs 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Actually that's wrong. Investigative reporters dig in to uncover pieces of a puzzle. And then they put all the pieces together. That's how the world learned about FTX conducting a multimillion dollar fraud under the nose of the Securities Commission

Have to dig into any discrepancies between today's and the last reporting and whether a reasonable senior official would have reported the previous details and taken over a month(?) to report corrections(?) with no outright statement of "I have to correct the record..." when 25m is in the balance. Its not good enough to say I didnt "intentionally" mislead, that's actually exactly what Salame said, the judge gave him 7 years in prison because the "pattern" of activity belied the intent.

John 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Bullshyt. The man clearly stated that the information Wilson gave at the last press conference Beas not factual and proven to be different from the information Wilson gave the press. Wilson had opportunity to clarify what was said and what was actually happening ( in reference to BPL) but instead he chose to get physically offensive. He wasn’t gonna hit me Jack! At least not the first blow

bahamianson 9 months, 2 weeks ago

No, because you in the highest office are held to the highest standard of conduct. Adderley deflected from the childish behavior displayed by her colleague. She did not condemn a government official. Challenging a reporter to a show down out side , she condemned the reporter. Adderall, stop playing stupid politics.

Porcupine 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Lovely picture, by the way. Nice face.

sheeprunner12 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Youri Kemp will be on a PLP political hitlist from today moving forward ............ he will be driven from this country.

Any word on what happened to the Auditor General??????? ........... Everybody is quiet

John 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Auditor General is/was officiallly retired.

Porcupine 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Always nice to see the thugs from the criminal class show their true colors. And, the little thugs defending them.

BONEFISH 9 months, 2 weeks ago

@Sheepruuner 12. You are a typically FNM troll from the Hubert Minnis faction, Always insinuating half/ truths. Mr. Kemp was given a very lucrative consultant position at the Ministry of Finance through his friendship with Fred Mitchell. That is where him and Wilson buck heads.

The Auditor General is retiring. He was honest and forthright under both the PLP and FNM governments. Not everything in this this country is political.

sheeprunner12 9 months, 2 weeks ago

You are half correct ............... I am a FNM (nationalist at heart) who is VERY ashamed of how my country's present elected leaders and substantive senior technocrats have not only lost their integrity, but also their dignity in Public Office.

Whether the AudGen has retired (like Ferguson at Customs) is debatable.

This country has fallen into the hands of a dangerous set of barbarous leaders.

John 9 months, 2 weeks ago

This government is so disjointed… so out of touch with reality. So un believing on many points. And Simon Wilson acting like he never been fired or even caught nip in questionable circumstances

Porcupine 9 months, 2 weeks ago

"Not everything in this this country is political." You serious? Ha ha ha

John 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Telling someone they ‘lied’ is not calling them a ‘liar’. And this government has been severely disjointed for some time when is comes to giving accurate and factual and reliable and correlated information. From BPL and who is responsible for the fuel hedging sags ti NIB and it’s rate increases, to the sovereign wealth fund and why it was made the country’s most guarded secret. Too much he say, she say and I didn’t say. Three years in, get your stories right or your lies to make sense! You supposed to be a senior official and disrupt a whole press conference and challenge a report to a duel.

John 9 months, 2 weeks ago

When it is revealed what the reporter was getting at with Simon Wilson and the alleged deal he made with JDL, you will understand why Simon Wilson run hot. An apparent deal involving millions of dollars that Bahamians taxpayers will apparently pay for.

John 9 months, 2 weeks ago

JDL Cargo Management

B_I_D___ 9 months, 2 weeks ago

The deal out at Air Cargo with JDL is diabolical and SHOULD be called out...bunch of crooks.

John 9 months, 2 weeks ago

The roof, tge roof, thr roof is on fire! We don’t need no water let the .., someone just signed a $4 million contract to fix it !

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