Nora Rolle
unknown - unknown
Ms. Nora Rolle age 102 years, of #16 Exuma Avenue, Yamacraw Estates and formerly of Mangrove Cay, Andros, died at her residence on Sunday, April 6th, 2014.
She is survived by her Five (5) Daughters: Marilyn Rolle, Marinell Strachan, Thelma Thompson, Catherine Nairn and Maxine Rolle; Three (3) Sons: John, Lawrence and Nolan Rolle; Twenty-Three (23) Grand Daughters: Lesia Sands, Vaneria Gardiner, Venice McPhee, Erika Perpall, Sherylee Drummond, Melanie Williams, Faye, Fritzi and Fran, Fann, Schermeka, Veranique, Sophia and Toya Rolle, Daphne Russell, Janice McKenzie, Dr. Inderia Hamilton, Patrice and Lethera Nairn, Monique Toote, Danielle, Dennard, Surrel Dixon of Ft. Lauderdale; Fourteen (14) Grandsons: Glen, Lynden, Dennis and Andre Nairn, Dale, Kenneth And Eric Strachan, Whitney and Dr. Edison Thompson, Jamaal, Ryan, John Jr., Julian, Jamaine and Jason Rolle; Adopted sisters: Leona McClean & Mable Bastian; Forty Nine Great grandchildren and four great great grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews and other relatives & friends.
Funeral arrangements will be announced at a later date.