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Robert Farquharson

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'Jobs, jobs and more jobs': Staff sought for 700 posts

The British Colonial resort will hire up to 400 staff before it fully re-opens this December, the Government's labour chief revealed yesterday, adding: "The majority of Bahamians who want a job can find one."

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Labour on Blocks fairs generate 3,000 jobs

The Government’s director of labour says the ‘Labour on the Blocks’ job fair series has resulted in employment for more than 3,000 Bahamian job seekers since last May.

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Gov’t moving to resolve confusion over furlough

The Government is moving to resolve potential confusion over the deadline for when employers must decide whether to recall COVID-furloughed workers, a senior official said yesterday.

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Improving worker productivity ‘must be our top priority’

The National Tripartite Council’s (NTC) chairman says improving the Bahamian workforce’s productivity “has to be the number one priority” as the latest effort to eliminate workforce skills gaps launched yesterday.

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Force witnesses to attend Tribunal, committee urges

The National Tripartite Council’s chairman says proposed reforms to the Industrial Tribunal’s powers will solve a “critical weakness” by forcing witnesses to attend hearings.

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Workplace boost by curing Tribunal’s ‘greatest weakness’

The National Tripartite Council’s chairman yesterday argued that curing the Industrial Tribunal’s “greatest weaknesses” will help ease workplace tensions throughout The Bahamas.

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Govt told: Productivity must be ‘top priority’

The government was yesterday urged to make creation of a National Productivity Council “top priority” in its efforts to “get the country up and running again” following COVID-19’s devastation.

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Productivity increase ‘number one priority’

The National Tripartite Council’s “number one priority” is to have draft productivity legislation and standards ready for tabling in Parliament by June, its chairman said yesterday.


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