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Abroad, but no need to be out of REACH

Abroad, but no need to be out of REACH A NEW non-partisan, apolitical group composed of Bahamians abroad and friends of the Bahamas has come together to represent the interests of Bahamians who live overseas. The Council for Concerned Bahamians Abroad (C


Abroad, but no need to be out of REACH

Abroad, but no need to be out of REACH A NEW non-partisan, apolitical group composed of Bahamians abroad and friends of the Bahamas has come together to represent the interests of Bahamians who live overseas. The Council for Concerned Bahamians Abroad (C


Abroad, but no need to be out of REACH

Abroad, but no need to be out of REACH A NEW non-partisan, apolitical group composed of Bahamians abroad and friends of the Bahamas has come together to represent the interests of Bahamians who live overseas. The Council for Concerned Bahamians Abroad (C


Abroad, but no need to be out of REACH

Abroad, but no need to be out of REACH A NEW non-partisan, apolitical group composed of Bahamians abroad and friends of the Bahamas has come together to represent the interests of Bahamians who live overseas. The Council for Concerned Bahamians Abroad (C

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Power cuts hit radio stations

RADIO 100 JAMZ and Joy 101.9 went off the air early Thursday morning after a series of power cuts affected the antenna and transmission systems. Engineers were working all day yesterday and late into the night to repair the antenna and restore transmission as quickly as possible.

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WORLD VIEW: Wise heads should prevail at Summit of the Americas

THE Summit of the Americas, scheduled to be held in Los Angeles from June 8 to 10, should be regarded by all the Heads of Government, as a golden opportunity to address the many challenges now confronting the hemisphere.


Clubs and Societies: 02122016

Bahamas Human Resources Association. - On Thursday, January 28, the Paul H. Farquharson Conference Center was all abuzz with excitement, laughter and talk as the Bahamas Human Resources Association (BHRA), under the theme “Grow. Achieve. Lead,” installed seven HR professionals to the 2016 executive board. At the helm of this board is President Villiemae Black, HR manager at the Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC).

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WORLD VIEW: We’re in a new reality and those who control the purse strings need to realise that - and help

GOVERNMENTS in Central America are calling for “climate justice” after the devastation of their countries by Eta and Iota as both tropical storms and hurricanes.

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WORLD VIEW: Haiti at the tipping point of becoming fully hostage to criminals

HAITI continues to occupy the concerns of nations around the world, especially its closest neighbouring states.


Mitchell and 'misconceptions'

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Re: Mitchell in talks in US to clarify immigration ‘misconceptions’.
 The Tribune, November 19, 2014.

IN the late 1600’s, Sir Isaac Newton’s third Law of Motion determined that “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. It is now time our Immigration Department learned that simple fact. Bull-in-a-china-shop immigration actions in the past have produced reactions that now need to be reconciled and explained. Hence, the PM is rightly concerned about a “backlash” and Mr Mitchell has found it necessary to go to Washington, hat in hand, to meet with The OAS and CARICOM to explain away their “misconceptions”. In short, and in light of our past heavy-handed public immigration actions, others just don’t seem to trust us. Now we have to prove to the outside world that we can indeed handle the problem in a rational manner which is humane and fair. Hopefully, we can rely on our chief diplomat, Mr Mitchell, to be successful in restoring a measure of credibility to this country.

December 15, 2014.

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Web shop gaming: US urges Bahamas to 'beef up' money laundering regime

The US government has urged the Bahamas to beef up its anti-money laundering safeguards ahead of this year’s impending expansion of casino and web shop gaming, describing the latter as an “illicit” industry that “flourishes” in this nation.


Survivor of the Holocaust tells how Schindler saved her life

Survivor of the Holocaust tells how Schindler saved her life During the entire period in which we worked for Director Schindler, he did everything possible to save the lives of the greatest possible number of Jews, in spite of the tremendous difficulties

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HEALTH, WHOLE AND HOLY: Even if you eat a burger, you’re still on track

You are trying to eat well – salads, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, protein, minimally processed foods and complex carbohydrates.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: The energetics of food

“Let medicine be your food and food be your medicine,” said Hippocrates, the man with the reputation of being the father of Western medicine.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: Taking a ‘time out’

For some of you, giving to everyone and everything else before yourself is a daily habit. Many times we find ourselves with health issues, stress imbalances or failing relationships and do not realise that a likely cause is that for too long you have attributed a disproportionate amount of time, attention and energy to ‘other things’.

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Live a fulfilling life: Processing grief and healing your heart

Loss of financial security, death of a loved one, the ending of a relationship, going away to school, displacement due to a natural disaster, miscarriage, perception of failed leadership, abuse – all of these are situations that you may not fully realise impact your well-being.

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WORLD VIEW: US security bill does not reflect interests of Caribbean nations

THERE has been a troubling development in relations between the US and the 14 independent nations of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

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WORLD VIEW: 1.5°C is upon us - are we prepared?

THE report on May 17, from the World Meteorological Organization, (WMO) that global temperatures are likely to surge to record levels in the next five years should have sent all Caribbean institutions, such as the CARICOM Secretariat, the Caribbean Development Bank, and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, into overdrive to explore further ways in which the region could accelerate efforts to avert this calamity.


Of women and Shakespeare

Of women and Shakespeare By LARRY SMITH IT WAS not so long ago that women had few rights in western society. And even today, long after slavery was abolished in most of the world, many countries still treat women like chattel - a term that refers to mov


Pastors disappointed with PM over webshop laws

FREEPORT – Two local pastors have expressed great disappointment in the Prime Minister over his admission that he regrets not moving legislation to regulate web shops at the beginning of the PLP’s term in office.