Radio host in on-air apology


Ortland Bodie


Tribune Staff Reporter


Real Talk Live radio show host Ortland Bodie Jr. promised to make an apology and retraction this morning in connection with disparaging remarks he made about a judge on live air, which were found to be in contempt of court.

Not only did Justice Stephen Isaacs order an immediate on-air apology and retraction, but he also fined Mr Bodie Jr $2,500 to be paid to the Ranfurly Home for Children by July 9. If he failed to comply he would spend seven days in jail.

Outside of court yesterday Mr Bodie said the fine would be paid before the end of the day. He said he had learned his lesson from the experience.

"I think justice has been served and it will teach me a lesson - watch my juicy mouth in the future."

"I wouldn't call it an exoneration because the judge, of course, did find that I committed contempt, and I admit that I did do so, but I thank God, I thank my family, I thank my lawyers, and I simply thank the press for being here to report on what took place and I assure the court and the press that effective tomorrow when I return to Real Talk Live, an appropriate retraction will be made, apology will be made. For the next seven days, every edition of my show will have an apology."

"And I'm not just gonna give the Ranfurly Home the $2,500. I might add a little something extra into that. I thank God," he concluded.

Bodie was summoned before the court last Wednesday after the judge issued a writ against him two days earlier.

Mr Bodie Jr denied the allegations in a responding affidavit. He said he never made any sort of "disparaging" or "negative" remarks concerning Justice Isaacs, but also "profusely" apologised for "any degree of embarrassment or umbrage."

In the last court proceeding, the judge read the notice of motion that sought to have Mr Bodie held in contempt and sent to Her Majesty's Prison for "publishing disparaging remarks" about the judge on radio regarding the case of Stephen Dwight Stubbs and others. The grounds for the motion were that the remarks were "intended" to impede the administration of justice and scandalise the court.

Yesterday, after Mr Bodie Jr apologized on the stand for his remarks and contempt of court, Justice Isaacs told Mr Bodie that his actions were essentially what people considered in this country to be "murder by whisper".

The judge added that the show host should have known better as he was an attorney called to the Bar at the same time that he (Judge Isaacs) was.

Notwithstanding Mr Bodie's admission to being wrong and putting himself at the mercy of the court, the judge ordered that the talk show host be committed to her Majesty's prison for seven days unless he paid a $2,500 fine to the Registrar before the closing business day of July 9.

The fine would be a donation to the Ranfurly Home for Children.

Mr Bodie, after court, also shared his thoughts on the punishment and what he expected the outcome to be.

"I had no doubt that the judge would do the right thing based on the law. I am happy that he in fact followed the law. I again, admit that I was totally wrong for the manner of the way I spoke about the judge."

"It is crucial in a country such as ours that the rule of law be upheld at all times. You cannot, you should not, and as a trained lawyer, I should have known better. You do not impugn the character or integrity of a judge or magistrate. It is a no, no. That's unacceptable."

"I made the remarks that I was punished for, and I think that I was justifiably punished. The judge could've sent me to Fox Hill Prison early this morning. In his wisdom and Christian charity, he did not do so."

"He made the order that I will pay within a matter of hours to the Ranfurly Home, which is one of my favourite charities, and I am simply relieved not to have to do the Bank Lane shuffle this morning."

Mr Bodie Jr thanked the judiciary for its impartiality and fairness, as well with his attorneys Keith Seymour (senior counsel) and Mark Rolle.


CollegeKid 12 years, 8 months ago

I wish our politicians could follow suit when they insult each other!!! Nice Job Bodie, I'm still an overseas listener...this don't stop no show!! :)

JohnBrown 12 years, 8 months ago

When the judge is your brother in the same order serving Lucifer alongside you, in truth you will end up paying nothing to no none besides receiving a whipping behind close doors for being a bit testy or disrespectful verbally. But the Bahamian sheep were once again given a grand performance by to supposedly highly skilled actors in how they must restrain themselves in silence regarding our own lose lips that sink ships. They have intimidated and frightened most of us into believing that they are invincible and have disgracefully shown us how the only freedom of speech that exist is for you to say the wrong thing and be killed for it. No matter who you are, when that ticker tocker, stops school is out. I now call on a historical witness to the stand up and testify posthumously as they shake in their boots, welcome: Mr Raymond Major. How you like me now?

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